Sunday, May 18, 2008

100 pounds lost as of today

Today I have been very lazy, just hanging around the house so I figured I would hop on the scale and see what she said, well this morning it said 433.6 pounds and in my usual routine I get off and try again, 433.6 pounds again, one last time for accuracy sake and bamn! 433.6 pounds so it is official! that is 100 pounds that I have lost since Jan first 2008 101 lbs if I take that its under 434, we shall call it 100 pound at this point since I round up. Just 139 days worth of moderate eating and some more movement and I weigh 100 pounds less, who wouldda thunk it would have been this fast? this do I dare say, easy? I was thinking this morning after getting on the scale about what I may have been doing if not for this getting healthy thing that I started in Jan, maybe just sitting around and watching tv? perhaps sitting on the back porch watching my kids play instead of Playing WITH them? and the little things that get taken for granted by normal sized people, or even me at this weight are a plenty, four and a half short months in my more than 3 decades that I have lived on this planet. that four and a half months has likely given me more years in this world, and at the cost of what? some cake? a few giant servings of ribs? its amazing and I can't think of one thing that I could have been doing that would have been a better choice than what I've done in these last few months. Imagine this if you will for a minute, I have just lost 100 pounds off of my body, even with that great loss I still have 159 pounds to lose to reach the goal of 275 lbs that I have set for myself, is that 275 lb goal ambitious? I think so but so what? if I had stated on Jan 1st that I would lose 100 lbs in 139 days you might have thought that ambitious as well but I did it.

I took this picture halfway through typing this post out. it now says 433.4 lbs and thats after lunch and breakfast and more than 1/2 gallon of green tea today. You can see my size 14's Just hang off the edge of the scale :)

I do think that my Ideal goal weight should be roughly 275 lbs, and the way I came up with this number is that my father stands 6'1'' tall and he weighs 270lbs currently and to look at him I do not think anyone could or would say that he is overweight by any means. I have the same build as he does and we are both muscular, besides the fact that I am 4 inches taller than he is we look alike. but I also think that after I lose as much fat a I can that I will have a skin issue to deal with and the skin removal procedure can take off a good chunk of weight so I may actually bottom out with the loss at a higher number than the 275. I AM shooting for 275 lbs on my own but nothing is set in stone and I will roll with the punches and make changes as necessary.

So thats it, My Sunday post, The day that I lost 100 lbs, you were there, I want to thank anyone that has been reading along with my blog to this point the support was and is helpful as well as appreciated.

100 pounds less.

As Ever

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100 pounds lost as of today
4/ 5