Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday has come and 100 pound has gone

The Monday after the big triple digit win, I am feeling off today and cannot place my finger on why. I did zero exercise on Sunday and it was an extremely lazy day for me, in fact as I type this I am feeling very unmotivated to do anything at all today, which I cannot let happen. my calories came in at 1030 for Sunday but before you say "like omg you are like so totally eating too little calories broham" I have to admit to eating pizza that was not put onto my excel sheet (calories anyway) because I just don't care about how many it added up to, it was a freebie so to speak and I am not counting it (though I am because I only ate 1030 total cals besides the pizza) I will also admit that after eating said pizza that I did in fact have stomach pains for about 20 mins, lesson learned, do not eat 4 small (but thick) square slices of pepperoni pizza after eating only good foods for 4 months and expect to get away scott free, though the pains went away rather quickly so almost scott free.

Todays exercise regimen will be some light weights, calisthenics, and I am going to try out some core strengthening movements , the wind has really kicked up outside so I am not sure if I will be able to get a walk in today because my daughter really complains when I take her out for a walk in the wind, hmmmm that sounded a lot like an excuse, ok so a walk is in order as well. I am thinking about when I should start strength training again because I do not want to lose muscle mass. now I know that this will be a balancing act with the losing weight and gaining/maintaining strength and muscle mass but I have to do it at some point, I am just unsure that this is the point where I should start and the weight loss is priority one right now. Here is the menu from Sunday, it is not very good.

10:00 AM
1 banana 105
1 tbsp peanut butter 95

1:00 PM
smart ones chinese meal 230
whole wheat english muffin 100
tiny bit omega spread 15
sliced tomato 10

Pizza x 4 square pieces Dunno calories

5:45 PM
1 gortons fish fillet 170
3/4 cup white rice 150
2/3 cup peas 70

8:00 PM
1 pear 85

Grand total of 1030 counted calories, and whatever the pizza was. over all it was an ok day besides the fact that I did nada in the way of exercise and had some pizza that I did not count, maybe it wasn't such an ok day after all. either way it just one more day in the life of a fat dude tryin to change that fact. sort of a blah post for sort of a blah day followed by the fact that I am in a blah mood right now as I type this, and by blah I mean content with where I am. blah blah blah blah blah...

As Ever

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