Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Injury insert

One of the people that follows my blog asked about an injury that I got in 2000, and I noticed that I never really got into that so I will give a short insert to explain that. so here goes for Sandy and the rest of you guys that read along with my page.

Back in 2000 when I was I would say 350 lbs or so give or take, and living decently healthy, running and lifting weights (almost) regularly I was loading a truck with 91lb bags of Portland cement, a whole pallet full mind you. and this really was not a hard task and was something that I did from time to time, I worked with cement and building materials from age 18 till about 26 or so working in the construction/Fence field. anyways I was loading this truck standing between the pallet and the back of the truck, picking up the bags and tossing them into the bed of the truck and there was another guy inside the bed sliding them forward and stacking, so mid swing with one of these nearly 100 lb bags, the other guy decided to hop down between me and the truck and I was in mid swing with a bag mind you. so twisting (yeah I know not the best idea with a 100 lb bag in hand) up into the truck with the bag and suddenly this 140lb guy is between me and the truck and I am in full swing. I guess it was instinct that made me not toss the bag into him, I stopped the momentum of the bag and probably saved him from getting folded in half between me and the bag and the open tailgate of the truck we were loading (which in hindsight may have been the better choice for me). and with that swing I was given the wonderful gift of a disk injury in my lower back (3 disks were affected), that put me out of commission for 2-3 years before it was not painful to walk or stand etc, the doctor wanted me to get a surgery but I knew a guy that had a back surgery and had nothing but bad things happen afterwards, so I declined and I chose to "see what happens with time" as he put it, the Doc also gave my weightlifting a gold star and said if I had not had such a strong base that the injury would have been much worse. I told him if I had not been as big as I was I probably would not have been heaving 91lb bags of cement either though lol. I still have back pain to this day from the injury and I blame the pain for my weight gain (the cookies and cake probably didn't help either) as I was unable to do anything that half way resembled a workout.

So here I am 7 years later my back still hurts every now and again and I think it still hurts every day, honestly I am just use to the pain so I think my body has fooled itself into thinking its not there. and there you have the main (in my opinion) reason that I blew up to my current size.

Thanks for reading and I hope that answers any questions concerning my injury, as always thanks for reading

As Ever

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