Friday, January 8, 2010

Weigh in, Only 48 pounds from goal??? when did this happen!?!

Like a child on Christmas morning I sprung from my bed today and straight to the scale, after a quick detour to the bathroom of course. Onto the scale I went..but before I get to all of that Thursday went very well with the intake, exercise and hydration. 1790 calories went down the hatch and I had a big salad for dinner along with my gallon of green tea and more than a gallon of H2O I would call that day a success where my intake was concerned. My trip to the gym yesterday was great too! I did 20 minutes on the bike and did sprints @125-135 rpm every 3 minutes followed by the incline routine that I mentioned in an earlier post, I skipped the weights for the day because I was running out of time so 50 minutes of cardio would have to do, over all I am happy with how the day turned out.

Oh I did weigh in this morning, lets get to that! The first time that my feet made contact with the cold scale the number that flashed on the display was 323.4lbs, number two said 322.8lbs followed by 323.0lbs! We will use that last one and call it 323lbs for the week, That is a 4 pound drop from last weeks weigh in! I am now down 211lbs total or forty two 5lb bags of sugar and only have 48 pounds left to lose to reach my initial goal of 275 pounds. With this weeks weigh in comes a new low weight and that means some pictures of things that weigh as much as I have lost and weigh the same as me so here goes.

This 1971 T350 Rebel comes in at 323 pounds like yours truly, these bikes are starting to get smaller!

This little fellow is a 1969 T 125 Stinger and comes in at 211 lbs which is what I have lost to date, can you imagine carrying that around with you all day?

Normally I don't have two weeks in a row with huge numbers like this week but I will do everything in my power to try and get to the teens come next Friday as I believe that once I hit the teens a fire shall be lit beneath my ever shrinking posterior and sub 300 pounds will be just around the corner. Keep going to the gym, keep eating as many whole foods as possible without obsessing over it, keep drinking my Green tea and H2O, Get much sleep...This is the plan, this has always been the plan and this is what works for me so I must stick with it.

Two hundred eleven pounds lighter I sit here today writing this post, The same man yet so different that I literally do not recognize myself in the mirror at times. I can't say that its been the easiest thing that I have done in my life but honestly it has not been as hard as I once thought it would be. Starting out at 534 pounds and looking down the road at the end goal was 2 years ago and but a speck in the distance, now that I am only 48 pounds from that original goal that I set for myself, looking back at the days of 500 plus pounds is getting smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror and I see great things coming up in the road for me. People will look at me funny when I say "You just have to decide to do it and follow through" or "Move more eat less" and I usually get a response something like "Yeah right, if it was that easy no one would be fat" and honestly it would have been my response once upon a time too but with every inch of my ever shrinking self I say, It IS that easy. Perhaps when one is faced with the thought of an early death because of a weight issue the decision gets easier to make because of the alternate ending to the flick but the bottom line is that if you make the decision to do it, you can and will do it.

I have taken enough of your time with my ramblings this fine Friday morning so the end has come to this episode of As the fat guy turns....I suppose that soon I will not be able to say that and will need to come up with a new title to this soap opera because "As the svelte guy turns" just doesn't sound as good. Thanks for following along and bearing witness to just an average Joe dropping Maury Povich kind of weight with no magic tricks and no suction devices, just plain good old fashioned determination and a few simple rules.


As Ever

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Weigh in, Only 48 pounds from goal??? when did this happen!?!
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