Friday, December 31, 2010

Survey says! and he weighs....

On December 3rd I decided that I would at least until April weigh in only one time per month to show my progress on ye olde blog and since it happens to be a Friday and the last day of the year onto the scale I went. I was hoping to end at 319 pounds because at that weight I would be on track to hit my "to be 275 pounds" goal by April first and I thought that I had it! but alas something happened that I am unaware and this week my weight moved very little and in fact went up slightly from where it was last week. This morning I woke up and went straight to the scale to see what the verdict was and I was greeted with a 324 on the dimly lit blue display screen, that equates to just under a 10 pound loss for the month of December. My beginning of the month weight was 333.8 so this mornings weigh in is a solid 9.8 pounds over the last four weeks which isn't bad at all considering that Christmas fell within that time frame and I did have a couple drinks on Christmas day. My lowest number on the scale this month was 320.4 pounds last Friday morning and 322 on Tuesday and that number crept up to the 324 that was there this morning so I don't know if the couple beers that I had on Christmas wreaked havoc on my system and I just haven't recovered or if something else is happening to make the number push upward over the last few days.

As of right now I am 49 pounds away from hitting that goal of weighing 275 pounds, I will need to lose an average of 3.7 pounds per week from now until April first if I am to make that goal date. Losing 3.7 pounds per week is unlikely but not impossible and that will remain my goal because I say so! Making it as lose to or below that number is going to be treated like its my job, in fact I think that I will try and come up with some kind of "weight loss bonus" for if I am able to do it kind of like my Tattoo or the motorcycle that I am buying when I get to my ultimate goal weight. My experiences with losing more than 200 pounds and keeping it off for more than 2 years now have stuck with me, I make the best choices that I can for any given situation where food is involved and its time for me to push past this comfort zone that I have come into.

When I started losing the weight I was a 500 plus pound man that had no idea on what or how to approach weight loss and a healthy life, now I know what it takes and have a good idea on some of the terms that must be met in order to be successful. My drive was shifted somewhere in the beginning of this year as I settled into being able to do what I want to and I was just enjoying life which is after all a big part of why losing the weight was important because without that life just ain't fun. This year I am in push push push mode once again and making it to my original goal weight is VERY important to me again comfort be damned, indeed I am comfortable in my own skin at this point and am seemingly unchallenged by some of the things that would have stopped me in my tracks just three short years ago.

Three hundred twenty four pounds is what I weight at this very moment in time and that is light years away from the five hundred thirty four pounds that I was when I began this trip to the half even if it is only three actual years. The next time that I step onto the scale for ye olde blog will be January 31st, that date is a Monday but its a month away so it shall be the date chosen and I am hoping that I can get down to that 305 pound mark that I reached back in May by then. Three hundred and five pounds? are you crazy kind fellow? I don't mean to doubt you but that's 19 pounds in 31 days right? Yes, yes it is and its what I am going to shoot for, if I don't get it I am ok with that but if I aim high I suppose it may just push me harder, and a fella can dream right? I will need to lose 3.7 pounds per week to stay on track with my April first goal and 4.7 pounds per week to hit that insane 305 pounds this month mark but I'm going for it, I must, I have to and I am.

There is the weigh in for the month and my ideas for the next step in my regimen, will I make those goals? that I am unsure of but the thing that I am sure of is that I will do everything in my power to reach my health goals, might I stumble now and again? sure thing bubba but the most important thing is that I keep on keepin on until I get there.

That's all I got for today.

As Ever

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