Friday, October 29, 2010

This is a Rooster..The scale says??

Its that time of the week where the number on the scale counts towards the blog tally for weight lost or gained. This being the first full week of the 2000 calorie bump up I wasn't sure what would happen this morning so when I woke up I staggered into the living room and stepped onto my scale, and.... All week I have been weight lifting on a regular basis and have been diligently working out whether it be at the gym or out on a trail, I have done my part is the point that I am trying to get at and yes I did have a single day where I mussed up the program but even with that I should have lost something. My feeling has been that eating more calories to lose more weight feels counter intuitive, I always say "eat less move more" right? so this eating more thing just didn't jive with me mostly because I have eaten 1700 calories for so long that its become habitual for me to stop when I hit that number. Oh! wait, I stepped on the scale so I suppose before I get into anything else I should share what it said right?

Points to you if you get this reference.

I could say that the scale was kind to me but I would rather say that I was not kind to the fat on my bones instead, seems more fitting to me. I this morning weighed in at three hundred twenty seven and four tenths pounds and that is a 2.8 pound drop for the week, coming in at 327.4Lbs was pretty cool because its a pretty good drop for the week and I feel like I am on a roll again which does wonders for the positive attitude. I don't want to say that the up in calories was the key because I have upped my exercise routine along with it but the extra calories certainly doesn't seem to be hurting the cause, If we get a few weeks in a row with decent losses i will call it the new calorie allowance, for now its still on a trial basis.

Last week at my gym there was a fella doing body fat percentages with a little gizmo that I held in front of me after he input my height, weight and age, he offered me a free evaluation and offered to show me a few movements with weights that I may not be doing, sort of a fine tune for my workout so I will be doing that this afternoon. This is something completely out of my comfort zone because I have always been self sufficient in that respect and have always just researched things on my own to create my workout plans and calorie allowances. Could it hurt to have this fella walk around though the free weights with me? nah, I am sure that he will be showing me everything that I am already doing but in the spirit of doing something different I signed up, what could it hurt? right?

Today was not going to be a lifting day for me because I have an appointment tomorrow that I don't want to be sore or fatigued for but I think that just going through the motions and getting the "fitness eval" from a trainer could be good for my mental. This week has been good and starting off by stepping out of my box (even if it is ever so slightly out of that box) will hopefully keep me going at the same pace that I have been at because I feel good and the weight is coming off again and that's the point. I am down 2.8 pounds this week for all of the hard work, I am stronger than I was last week and I know that as long as I put in the work that I am destined to succeed straight to my goal, no excuses, no whining, just going to keep the momentum for as long as I can and try to get to that April goal of being 275 pounds or less.

Halloween is here and it will just be another day for me, no candy, no sweets and nobody will stop me from getting to my goal, the way I see it is that I will get some extra exercise in by walking the kiddos around the neighborhood, I suppose its all about how you look at things, don't let it be an excuse to eat badly, capisci?

As Ever

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This is a Rooster..The scale says??
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