Thursday, April 10, 2008

An evening interlude

I just thought I would post up a quick interlude for the evening, I am in the mood to write and I took a picture of my dinner, which was fantastic. we made Turkey burgers out of some ground turkey that I seasoned and diced some onion into and tossed on the grill. everyone in the house liked them and they smelled great too, with them I made some home made french fries which also turned out great, I basically just cut up and seasoned some russet potatoes. I had 2 burgers (4oz each) with onion, pickles, spicy mustard and ketchup on them with 5oz of the french fries. it was way too much food but I was low on calories for today, for some reason all I had was some fruit and a soup at lunch so the meal could have been only one burger and been enough to fill me up. the best part you ask? the entire meal was only 585 calories including the condiments! if you were to have only one burger cut the calories by 220 + condiments, so it would be 365 calories for everything minus one burger. This will be added to my meals. its not as good as a nice fat juicy Cheese burger but its very close and for a nice low amount of calories.

For fun I added up the calories that this would have if it were 85% lean ground beef and regular rolls with your average steak fries and the total was 940 calories. all calorie counts were taken off of The daily plate. that a nice little savings in calories if I do say so myself.

Grilled turkey burgers with home made fries, click the pic for a larger view.

I may post up exactly how it was prepared and cooked in a later post for reference but it was pretty simple and in my opinion it was very tasty and you cannot argue with the low calorie count, the only complaint that I have is the ground turkey grosses me out a bit, but thats because I have this thing about raw fowl, it gives me the willys. Thats all folks.

As Ever

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