Monday, April 7, 2008


Ok, it is almost 8:00 (closer to 7:30 pm) and I am 35 calories from my limit of 1500 for the day, I just ate a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter on it and I am already hungry again, this is only the second time since starting this ride that I feel like I am going to go over calories just because its easier than sticking to it. I have been on here all day in an attempt to keep my attention elsewhere, just look down at my multiple posts for the day, and the fact that I redid the page and lots of other mindless busy things here at home. I have not had a drop of green tea all day, something in me says that is the reason for the hunger, something else says that its because I am coming off of being sick, either way I would like to take the jar of peanut butter and a tablespoon and kick back and enjoy it. I will be very surprised if I make it through the night without going over my calories for the day. I will try my best to not do it, but it is not going to be easy, I am not only hungry but that banana and peanut butter has me craving the peanut butter bad right now.

The Peanut butter mice twins taunt me.

As I type this I just drank a quart of green tea, I hope it helps. if not...I may be doomed.

As Ever

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