Friday, April 11, 2008

101 days into this now

I knew the loss would not be big this week but I am happy because there was a loss, I weighed in at 454 lbs this morning, which is a two pound loss for the week, coming off of an 8 lb loss from last week and being sick I call 2 lbs great. yesterday I was 453 in the morning but I know I was a bit dehydrated at that point so I drank more than usual yesterday which is probably contributing to todays weigh in, but the scale said 454 so thats what it gets recorded at. two more pounds that is not on my body is good news to me.

This Zo6 Corvette engine weighs in at 454 pounds

On a side note, I wanted to mention that I think I have the most annoying, rude, intrusive, and downright bad neighbors in the state. last year when we moved into this place I noticed that they were a little less than refined, which is fine, to each their own. the problem is that we share a back yard, its a small enough yard that children playing would have a hard time avoiding one another if both sets wanted to play a different ball game, so sharing is not a problem, BUT these kids are just wild, and I mean wild in the way that last night we went outside in the yard because it was just downright gorgeous out, and my kids were kicking a ball around and playing nicely together as I played with my car for a minute, the neighbors kids started trickling out one by one First the little girl comes out, she is about 5 years old and the wildest of the bunch, she immediately walked up and started screaming that the ball my kids were playing with was hers, and I mean uncontrolled screaming and acting like someone just twisted her arm up behind her back or something, I step in and tell her that its My sons ball but if she wants to play too that she can, she starts screaming bloody murder again that its her ball, bleh whatever kid. then out comes the smallest of the three, he is less than 3 years old but more than 2 and a half and is the most tolerable of the kids. he starts playing with the ball with my daughter which went ok besides that he kept taking the ball and running with it so that she could not get it, no worries hes only 2 and a half right? so I just get another ball to avoid an argument with a 2 year old. then out comes the 8 year old, now he is not as big a problem and usually plays good with my son unless his 5 year old sister is out there (which she was) and he begins to take over the entire yard with his kicking the ball as hard as he can towards the 2 youngest kids, my daughter and his brother, so I put a stop to that, not so bad you say right? but I haven't got to the wild parts yet, before the night was over the 5 year old had pretty much screamed for no reason for 30 minutes, real relaxing right? she had thrown some coffee mugs against the house and shattered them, and had to be asked to stop hitting my son repeatedly, the 8 year old? he all but tore the swingset out of the ground, it was almost flipped onto my son at one point and he beat up his sister (the 5 year old) almost the whole time we were outside and kept kicking the ball into the other neighbors yard and would not stop with his just plain old being annoying, the 2 and a half year old? well hes too young to complain about and its not his fault anyways look what hes working with, now where were the parents you ask? I have no clue, I can assume they were in the house while their kids just went wild and tore up the yard and broke cups against the back of the house. its going to be a long summer I think. sorry for the rant ;)

My intake for the day went well and I came in at 1235 calories for the day, a bit under I know, but with the heavy dinner of turkey burgers and weigh in day today I figured I was cool for food. over all I am happy with the 2 pound drop for today, the way I see it is a loss is a loss is a loss. with the week I had last week I wouldn't have been surprised to have seen a gain for this week. I have been reading up on a few things and plan on posting some of it up so look for that. Thanks for following along and I hope anyone weighing in today has good results.

As Ever

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101 days into this now
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