It is almost 3:00 pm Sunday, it is an odd day, the sun cannot decide if it wants to be shining or not and we have had a couple down pours. I have been sitting here most of the day thinking about my weight loss and I have to admit that I feel as though I have been slipping lately and what I mean when I say slipping I mean grabbing a couple extra olives with my Ground turkey tacos and not putting them into my excel sheet, or eating 2 Dunkin Donuts Munchkins while driving to the park and not putting them into the excel sheet right on down to taking a bite of macaroni and cheese that I made for the kiddos for lunch to "taste" it and see that it was "all the way done" bottom line, it needs to stop. Just 2 months ago these are the things that I would remind wify that she should not be doing and here I am with my hand in the cookie jar if you will. My exercise has slacked off as well, granted I do have a back injury and it did in fact act up a couple of weeks ago and I will admit that I am a bit worried about getting back into the workouts again because I don't want that pain to return, but then as I type that it sounds so much like an excuse to me, and I know that I need to get back into the frame of mind I was in back 2 months ago because I am admitting right now that I got comfortable and am in fact not being as strict with myself lately. I mentioned this very same thing about getting comfortable to a friend of mine that also blogs just a day or so ago and that comment on Robyn's page really got me thinking about being comfortable and slipping into old habits so I decided to take my own advice and fix it. I thought that if I posted on my blog and gave full disclosure about this fact that it would maybe help me re-focus and get back on track.
Now if you are a regular reader of my page you might be thinking "but you Mr. Meatball lose weight each week like clockwork" or "slipping here and there is not really a bad thing as long as you don't over do it we do after all need treats" yes I do lose each and every week, and yes it is ok to slip up here and there, BUT in the past 2-3 weeks I know that I have gotten comfy with the size I am and I AM slipping. I am approaching a weight and strength level that allows me to do whatever I want to do, I don't get out of breath any more, I do not have back pain related to just being too heavy, and I can out pace my bottle of energy running fool of a son on a hiking trail and not even feel it. I am back to a weight and fitness level that allows me to be active and in control of what I do and plain and simple I am getting too comfortable with it.

I have a long way to go before I am done with losing weight and just because I fit into the clothing that I was wearing when I met my wife 9 years ago and feel awesome that I am back to that size or at least very close to it does not mean its time to light the fireworks and call up the parade people. now with all of that said, I am not slipping to the point that I am not still losing, I am in fact still working very hard to eat properly and get exercise in, I do track my intake daily and do not eat mindlessly, all I am saying is that I have not been as diligent in the last couple weeks as I was in the beginning.
Here starts a new beginning.
As Ever
Admitting the funk