Sunday afternoon has come and as I sit here I am thinking about just how much weight I have lost in these almost 8 months, 141 pounds as of Friday has been shed from my body and I am physically able to do things that I could not do just last winter, lives have been changed 100% since starting on this regimen of eating better and moving more and mine is the one most drastically changed. I eat a total of 1700 calories per day, I exercise on a daily basis a lot of the time it is more than once per day and I am hardly sitting still for more than a few minutes during any given day, jumping up to do a few sets of push ups randomly or running up the stairs to use the bathroom upstairs instead of the one that is 10 feet from me. I snack on baby carrots and an array of fruit along with sugar free Popsicles now when I feel hungry, and go for a walk when I need to relax or hop on my stationary bike and get lost in some good music. Let us now flash back to last summer, and we will talk about some of my habits from that time in my life. 1700 calories might have been the total calories of a single meal which was in a string of the same type of meals. exercise for me was to walk up the stairs to go to bed and 10 of 10 times you could find me sitting on the couch with a clicker in my hand and a half of a bag of something sitting next to me, whether it be a big bag of BBQ chips, or a bag of Doritos. a push up? in my wildest dreams maybe and the back pain that would come with all of it was just the icing on the cake, and speaking of cake there was lots of that around as well, I am reminded of a line from fight club where Edward Nortons character says "this is your life and its ending one second at a time" that was me before I decided to change my life and control what went into my body and what I did for myself in the area of health and nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. This works for me because it is not treated as a "diet" it is not something that will be a temporary fix or the next thing that I tried to do in 2008, it is a lifestyle change plain and simple.

Stronger now than I have been in nine or more years, mentally as well as physically I can say that statement with one hundred percent certainty that it is true, nothing will stop me from reaching the goal that I have set for myself.
You met me at a very strange time in my life.
As Ever
You met me at a very strange time in my life.
As Ever
Not just a diet