Friday is here and the time of week to record my weight has arrived, I won't keep you in suspense and I won't try and dazzle you with anything more than the number this week which is smaller than I thought it would be but I have a theory on why, but before I get to that I have lost one pound this week and I weighed in at 393 pounds upon waking today. onto the theory, I have had an extremely stressful week (not related to weight loss so I won't bore you with the details) on Monday I weighed 390 pounds and thats when the stress came into the picture as well, I have not been hydrating myself like I normally do and lack of exercise is definitely a factor and I have not been eating every few hours, its been more like 6 hours between meals and they have been larger and not so healthy but the fact that I was 390 on Monday means that I was actually seeing losses and when the stress reared its ugly head I gained back 3 pounds but I believe that some of it is because I drank heavily last night to try and make up some of the fluid that I know I have been missing out on but it is what it is and 393 is the number that shall be recorded. Am I happy about the one pound? sure, its a pound thats not on me any more, am I satisfied with it? no I am not, I know that I could have had more of a loss but life happens and such is the way of the world. so thats the way the cookie crumbles this week and a one pound loss is realized for the week, I am not happy about it and I am not upset about it I am sort of feeling neutral.

8:00 AM
2 cups raisin bran 380
1 cup 1% milk 110
12:30 PM
1 can progrsso soup 120
1oz Tortilla chips 140
6:00 PM
tiny pear 40
7:00 PM
Subway Italian bmt 900
Over all things are still going in a positive direction and I am staying on track where calories are concerned its just the execution that I am worried about, in the past few days I have eaten fried chicken strips and fries at Friendly's, an Italian BMT with mayo and cheese and lots of peanut butter and jelly and home made pizza pockets, to say that my intake is flawed this week would be putting it lightly but as i said life happens and all ya can do is what ya can do and thats what I have been doing. I have been home barely and it could have been much worse in the form of McDonalds or the likes but I chose to grab the quick meal from home most times and I always kept track of the calories, I know that when this stress blows over I will hit it it hard again and get some real numbers flying again where my weight is concerned and get a rhythm back, so Until next time thats that.
As Ever
Weighing in once again I have lost a whole pocket bike.