Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 33

Dinner with Mom in law. at a restaurant no less. I thought it would be a disaster as far as the "diet" goes. looking at the menu I had no clue how to order. my "usual pick" was a huge steak a baked potato and a side of w/e else they had. or a rack of ribs with the same sides, about 5 cherry cokes and a whole desert. theres a place in Los Angeles (where I lived for the past 8 years) called Claim Jumpers, and they have a full rack of BBQ beef ribs and locally the people familiar with the restaurant call it the "Fred Flintstone ribs" because its as big as the ribs that flip Freds car in the Flintstones intro. and, that was my meal of choice for that place just to give you an idea of how I use to order. So I scanned the menu and found the fish section, (the chicken section was non existent), I ended up getting a salmon steak which came with 5 micro scallops, rice and some steamed veggies, I had a Coors light and some water with the meal, and a bite of this or that (wife had grilled shrimp). I was 100% sure I had blew the calories for the day so I had a tiny piece of a chocolate cake with strawberry's on it for a desert. over all the meal was pretty good with the exception of the scallops being extremely dry. The total calories for that meal was just about 1000! the whole time turned out nice, and I was honestly upset that we were going out to dinner. I felt like it was too early in my "change" to go to a place like that. but it all turned out ok.

Other than the dinner out it was an uneventful Saturday. with a little spat about not going to dinner lol. getting soaked playing with my daughter while I gave her a bath and she squirted me with her rubber duck. so like I said, uneventful ;). with that I give you the menu.


12:00 PM
1 hebrew national hot dog 45

12:45 PM
6oz baby carrots 80
1tbsp lite Cesar dressing 45

2:15 PM
1can tuna 210
2 slices pumpernickle bread 80
2oz sliced tomato 10
1tbsp Miracle whip 35

7:00 PM
7oz pink salmon steak 237
5 small scallops 30
1/2 cup long grain rice 150
12oz Coors light 102
steamed veggies 50
1oz batter dipped fried chicken 73
3 tiny Calimari rings 25
2oz chocolate cake w/frosting 220
1.5oz grilled shrimp 50

Grand total of 1442 calories
for the day, that is of course not measuring anything, but trusting that the menu stated the correct portion etc etc, all in all it was a good day as far as the intake goes. I still feel like I cheated as far as calories even though adding them up tells a different story. either way its done and shall remain that way, so no dwelling. onto the next day so on and so fourth. Thanks for reading along, it is appreciated.

As Ever

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