Friday, October 8, 2010

Weigh in time, how did he do folks?

Lets get Friday off to a good start shall we? Of course as soon as I got up I headed for the scale, warm feet hit cold hard wood and I was off after a brief stop in the little boys room. Last week I weighed in at 334.4 pounds as my starting point and I gave myself a goal to be at or under 275 by April 1st 2011, that equated to a 2.26 pounds per week average that I will need to drop to reach that goal. As per usual on weigh in days I step on and off 3 times just to make sure that the same number is displayed and all three times the scale flashed a 331.0lbs on there and that is a 3.4 pound drop this week! not a bad start giving the fact that I need 2.26 to stay on track for my goal.

I haven't a clue what this bike weighs but wanted to put one up here today just because its a weigh in day and who doesn't like an all chrome motorcycle?

This week I stayed within my calories, I went to the gym every day and the scale is telling me that I did it right this time around and to think that I almost skipped going to the gym yesterday. The day was gloomy, it was unseasonably cold outside and I was feeling very tired but I made myself go because its what I need to do and the old me would have stayed home so with those two things I decided that it was time to get up off of my ass and do something. I got to the gym and did my 20 minutes on the stationary bike and decided to punish my chest, shoulders and arms with some weight training and that I did! after about an hour and some minutes later it was back on the bike for another 15 minute ride just for kicks. I was feeling awesome about half way through the weight lifting and was glad that I went. Walking out of the gym it was like I was in a movie, the gloom had gone, the sun had come out and I was in an incredible mood, I got in my car, popped in a mixed CD and was caught getting into "when doves cry" a little too much by a fellow gym goer on my way out of the lot.

This week was a good week for the health and weight loss in general, I got some weight lifting in, lots of cardio and am down 3.4 pounds for my efforts. The rain has stopped and we're suppose to have some fantastico weather here in New England for the next week so perhaps another ride report soon! I will finally get to go give the new pedals on my bike a real test and I think that I am going to go for a new personal distance record on my next ride. I mapped out a 20 mile ride on the rail trail which will be 2 miles longer than my previous long ride with the option to make it 24 miles by going to the next trail head depending on how I am feeling. Over all I am pleased with the 3.4 pounds that has been dropped from my bones and the plan is to keep on keepin on until I get to where I want and need to be with my health and weight.

With that, I have nothing more for today and I need to get some things done this morning before I get out for some movement, will it be the gym? perhaps a bicycle ride? not sure yet but rest assured that I will be out there sweating more pounds off before this day is done.

What is your plan for the week? how will you better your health?

As Ever

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Weigh in time, how did he do folks?
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