Friday, October 8, 2010

Wanna go see a dead body? a Video post.

So I decided that today I would try and go to the end of the shorter trail that I ride and see how far I could get, google pedometer showed it as almost a 20 mile round trip so I figured it would be fun. I left down the trail and was feeling good until I found the "Warning bridge closed" sign at one of the trail heads so of course I rode down the over grown trail to see what this bridge looked like and they were right, it sure was out! so I had to settle for 15 miles round trip.

My ride may have been cut short but it was still a nice ride on a sunny fall day, I had a tail wind on the way out which means a head wind on the way back and man did I feel it. Tomorrow I am taking the day off from working out partially because I feel beat between the ride and the weight lifting yesterday, that and I have some things planned with the kiddos tomorrow.

My bike at the bridge out sign.

Reminded me of the movie Stand by me, "anyone wanna go see a dead body?" this thing was tore up!

Moo cows!

Over all it was an awesome ride and the new pedals worked like a charm and MUCH more grippy than the cheap resin pedals that came with my bike. I ended up riding through an over pass that was flooded with water about 10 inches deep at one point and my feet got splashed a bit but my feet stayed put unlike with the old set of pedals so I am happy with that purchase. I took the video and had a few minutes tonight so I thought that I would share, I am still happy with the loss for the week and will do my best to get that number even lower come next Friday and if I continue to push myself with my riding I have no doubt that I will have another loss come next week.

That's all I got for this late edition of as the fat guy turns, I hope you enjoyed the second video post by lil ol me and I wish you all a great weekend.

I'm out.

As Ever

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Wanna go see a dead body? a Video post.
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