Friday, May 29, 2009

The Scale...

Today is Friday and we know what that means, its time to see what the scale says and just as suspected I did not see a loss this week, I did in fact see a small gain. Last week I was at 340.2 pounds and this week I was 341.4 so just over a 1 pound gain for me this week but I am ok with that because it is what it is and this is not an over night process. I have seen ups and obviously seen downs since starting but the over all vibe has been and will remain me getting healthier and stronger.

The scale, this inanimate object becomes the bane of so many people trying to drop a few pounds, it also becomes the light in the dark to many others when a lower number flashes across the display on that magical day of the week that is chosen to record progress. The scale has no feelings, it has no care about what the display says, it merely records what it feels step onto it at that magical hour. We as people losing weight rely on our scale to tell us how we are doing, we rely on that cold piece of metal and plastic with a bit of electronics tossed in to tell us "ya done good" and sometimes when is doesn't we feel like killing the messenger. It is important to see the scale move down BUT it is not the only thing that is important, in the last couple weeks my weight seems to have stalled (I am sure that this week will be different) but in those same weeks I have walked more on average than I have since starting on this weight loss regimen, so I could say that my walking has improved instead of saying that I did not lose any weight this week, its all how you look at it.

My calories for yesterday came in at 1660 and I got in 2 gallons of fluids, 1 gallon of Green tea and 1 gallon of straight H2O. It did rain all day so I did not get out for a walk because I had my daughter all day and I won't make her walk in the rain with me so I did not get any exercise into yesterday. Have a look at yesterdays menu, I think it was decently balanced if a little light on protein.


8:00 AM
2 multigrain english muffins 200
1 serving turkey pepperoni 70
2 wedges laughing cow 70
tomato/pickle 20

11:00 AM
small apple 80

12:15 PM
1 lavash bread 100
4.5 oz Capicola 225
1 T Miracle whip 35
lettuce/tomato 35

2:00 PM
1 orange 65

5:45 PM
4 slices whole wheat bread 280
6 slices turkey bacon 210
lettuce/tomato 40
miracle whip 50
1 pretzel rod 35

8:15 PM
small apple 80
1 orange 65

Over all I am ok with how the week went besides breaking my stationary bike anyways and I am planning on starting the C25K program come Monday I am also thinking about maybe making a section on the side bar to record progress etc but that will be decided later. I am up one pound this week from last and up three pounds from my lowest 2 weeks ago, the plan is to get below where I was at my lowest for this week and I have a feeling that as long as I start C25K on Monday that I will be able to get there. I am going to make a push for that 200 pounds lost this week but honestly most of my focus will be on the C25K program for the next couple of weeks and I think that the second part of the equation will happen as a result.

With that the plan is in place and the post comes to an end, make sure you get that H2O into your day, that's all I got for this morning.

As Ever

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The Scale...
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