Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If you have nothing nice to say shut your mouth, Thats what Momma always said...

Since weighing in on Friday everything that I have chosen to do that is directly related to this weight loss program that I am on has been full of Fail. for the first time since starting down this path I am not in control, that old fatter me was driving or the past three days and I am pissed at myself for it. I do not like writing in this blog when it is not positive and my momma always said iffin ya got nothing nice to say, keep that mouth shut, but I deserve to out myself for the past four days of NOT doing what I NEED to be doing so here it is.

Saturday I counted my calories right up until dinner time when I decided to order a Chicken parm grinder from the local pizza house, and on the side I had 2 slices of bacon pizza off of a small pie. Later Saturday night we watched a movie and I had my big ol bowl of popcorn that I always have with a movie. Then there was Sunday, the only good thing about Sunday was that I literally did not stop moving all day, wify bought a space at a flea market and off we went @ 7AM and we stayed until 1:30PM up $160 minus the $15 space fee so that was good and all I ate at that point was a bowl of cereal and a peanut butter and jelly sammie that I brought along, then when we got home somehow we ended up basically landscaping almost my entire front and side yard but that meant that dinner was late and someone decided that KFC was on the menu this is where the bucket of fail entered. I was HUNGRY by the time that dinner walked through the door from all of the yard work and I did not hold back, this is where you should brace yourself. I ate 2 breasts, 1 Thigh, 2 biscuits w/gravy, 2 T Mac n cheese and 2 T of mashed potatoes and honestly I did not enjoy the meal at all, maybe the first piece tasted good but only for a split second, and that will conclude the weekend.

Monday came around and I had about 750 calories left for dinner and we ended up stopping at Subway, no worries right? wrong! I ordered a foot long Subway melt with provolone and mayo on it and shared a small bag of cool ranch doritos with my daughter so I did go over calories yesterday. Now for today, This morning started off well enough once again but around dinner time I ate extra rice as well as extra peas with my Gortons fish fillets which would have put me over my calories for the day but then I added a Fiber one bar because "I needed something sweet" and about 45 minutes after that (just before the biggest loser started) I had 2 dannon light and fit yogurts, well I'll tell ya something, I bet they are not so light nor fit when you eat two after your calorie limit is gone for the day!

I have since Saturday had exactly 1 gallon of green tea and maybe 2 gallons of water, that's four days! I usually have 1.5 gallons PER DAY! so to say that I am dehydrated is an understatement, let me put it this way as I am typing this the taste of chapstick is on my dried lips. I have not been getting enough sleep either, last night I was up until 3am researching some lakes and streams in the area to go fishing in on the 18th as opening day is upon us. Now let us talk about the exercise, I have done none since Friday besides the yard work and flea market and that my friends is not the way to lose weight.

Now that I have demonstrated how NOT to do it, I am back to my old self...er..my New old self! because I did not lose 190 pounds to just have a few days like that pull me into some sort of a spiral or even just a slight back up because that is not how I get down anymore. I am honestly pissed off at myself for the last four days worth of eating and not exercising not to mention the lack of drinking anything so tonight is the end of that.

I have no clue what the scale will say this week but I am heavier today than I was on Friday, whatever it is I have to accept it because I am the one making the choices.

As Ever

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