Friday, April 3, 2009

190 pounds lost! a walk in the rain and some pictures to boot!

Last night I told my wife that if I stayed even with my weight this week that I have changed everything about my eating habits and health in general, let alone if I showed a loss. Changing ones life by making better food choices is a concept that has escaped me for many years but I think I got it this time around, I believe that just a small bit of success can go a long way where pushing someone to keep on keepin on with something, even through the not so good weeks. This week I have struggled a bit because of hurting my back early in the week so I couldn't exercise the way that I have been in recent weeks but hey! Friday is here and that means that I weigh in. First time on the scale told me 344.2 pounds, this is good news! second time on 344.0 pounds, third time was 344.2 again so that's what we will call it, 344.2 pounds which is a 1.2 pound loss for the week! with no exercise? how can that be? I have read all over the internet that you must exercise for hours per day and starve yourself! all joking aside I am very happy with the loss this week. This weeks loss brings me to a total of 190 pounds lost since starting and only 10 pounds away from having lost 200 pounds, That feeling is surreal to me. Here is my scale photo for the day as well as some things that weigh the same as me and as much as I have lost.

Fred Flinstone eat your heart out! would ya look at that scale drop!

An adult Striped dolphin weighs up to 344 pounds or 156 Kilos which is what I weigh currently.

Jenn from season 5 The biggest loser weighed in at 190 pounds by the finale, That is what I have lost so far!

Last night I did go for a walk, in the rain, and it was very nice to get out alone and walk in the dark with the light rain falling on and around me, I should probably say almost alone though. The walk was 1.5 miles and it took me 26 minutes so slightly better than 3mph and I said almost alone because there were little frogs all over the road! not something I am use to having grown up in a city, seeing trash, or the random stray dog maybe but not little frogs everywhere! I snapped a pic of one last night with my flashlight and cell phone.

This guy was about 3 inches long from nose to butt.

Over all I am pleased with this weeks scale result, especially because I have done next to no exercise besides a couple of walks. I am a mere 10 pounds from having lost 200 pounds and am enjoying things that I was letting pass me by just slightly over a year ago, Lots of people think that it will take too long to lose the weight, or that the amount of weight to lose is just too much to lose by eating correctly and moving more, including me at one point. If I had kept that way of thinking I would surely have been on my way to 600 pounds and maybe even death, look at it this way, do nothing and guarantee that the weight will stay attached to our bodies or choose to do something about it and it will come off, even if its slow, isn't slow better than not at all? if I had chosen to keep on the road that I was walking...wait no I couldn't walk very far back then, so if I had chosen to stay on that road I do honestly believe that it would have been short lived. We cannot stop the clock, time WILL keep going whether we chose to do something about our condition or not and there is nothing that we can change about that fact BUT we can change how we spend our time. Will it be spent shoveling piles of processed high calorie high fat junk into our pie holes while sitting motionless watching Doctor Phil or Oprah? or will it be spent living life to the fullest, eating properly and exercising moderately? I have made my choice, have you?

Grab a big glass of H2O and thanks for following.

As Ever

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190 pounds lost! a walk in the rain and some pictures to boot!
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