Thursday, April 2, 2009

A walk, a salad and weigh in tomorrow.

Tomorrow I weigh in and since I did not post today I thought I would pop on and leave a later than normal post. This week I have had next to no exercise, in fact I only had a single walk this week but I did do some manual labor around the house so to say no exercise is not exactly true. There was the painting over the weekend and then this afternoon I spent out in the yard removing a brick patio on the side of my house, moving and stacking said bricks behind the house, I also removed some hideous fencing that was along the side of the house. I am kind of a fence snob because its what I did for work for a long time so I plan on replacing what I took down today with something proper eventually. because of the lack of exercise this week I kept my calories closer to 1500-1600 all week and tonight it came in even lower than that but there is still time so I will likely eat an apple before heading to bed, It is not raining currently so I may take a short walk after I finish this post.

I made a giant salad for dinner which consisted of 8oz iceberg lettuce, 4oz tomato, 3oz cauliflower, 3.5oz cucumber, 4oz roast chicken, less than a tablespoon of parm cheese and topped with Newman's own light honey mustard dressing and I am stuffed! Here's a look at it.

Not my best salad, BUT very yummy at any rate.

I honestly have no clue what the scale will say tomorrow morning but I hope it is kind to me, do I expect a loss? I don't know, I ate well all week but no exercise will likely either mean a low loss or a break even kind of week, I don't expect a gain and will be very surprised if I see one. Whatever that scale says in the morning I will have to accept and hopefully my back gets closer to 100% before too long because I can honestly say that I miss my bike rides and long walks, which reminds me, The sun is starting to go down and I want to get a walk in so I will end this post here and make sure ya pop on in tomorrow to see what happens with my weight. Thanks for following along and don't forget that H20!

As Ever

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A walk, a salad and weigh in tomorrow.
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