Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday morning and a photo

Saturday and Sunday were spent shopping, a lot in bulk. we went to 3 different stores and compared prices and then bought the things that we needed at each respective store with the lowest price for said item. we stocked up on things and the idea behind this was to see how much we could save this month shopping like that, we spent at least 6 hours on shopping all together and for the most part we have the entire month of may covered for things that do not have to be fresh bought and we will make weekly visits to the supermarket for things like fresh fruit and veggies. if it turns out that we are saving a decent amount because of it we will switch to that routine for good.

I also have hunted down a set of pedals for my bike! I am extremely excited about this. I was searching as I have been doing on and off for a set online and an ebay ad popped up for an entire bike of the same brand etc as mine and it had no reserve and someone had bid it to $9.99 which was likely the start amount, so I decided to email the fella that was selling the bike and ask if I won the auction would he just mail me the pedals as he had "local pick up" under the shipping area. he emailed me back that he would send me just the pedals if I won, I bid and ended up paying $20 shipped for a set of pedals. I am just waiting for them to arrive now and I will have my bike back, and an extra pedal to boot. man I never thought finding a silly pedal for a stationary bike could be so hard.

Finally for my Monday morning post I wanted to post up a progress picture, the after picture was taken on Saturday (randomly by my wife while I was cooking dinner so I apologize for the unshaven face lol) and the before photo was taken by my mother in law last summer, and is the picture that I looked at and decided enough was enough and made me seriously start looking into weight loss options, I really don't remember being that large and that is why when I saw the photo I was shocked.

This is a 95 pound difference, click the photo for a larger image.

I have lost 95 lbs since Jan 1st and the difference in this photo is more than that I believe because I had lost some weight (not a whole lot but some) from Aug to Dec 2007. I was going to wait the 5 pounds to make it an even 100 lb loss before I posted progress pics but I figured since I had lost a little from Aug to Dec that this pic will serve as my progress thus far photo. I emailed this to everyone in my family on Saturday night and I called my Mom (who lives in CA) and told her to check her email on Sunday morning, she called me back within 3 minutes crying, to say she was happy about it would be putting it lightly. I could not be happier with my results so far and I think after taking a look at the photo above you can agree that there is a significant change in my body, I must be doing something right :), the keep on keepin on ain't stopping any time soon and the next progress photo will likely be when another 50lbs drops off, Thanks for reading and following along with me.

Carry on...

As Ever

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