Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A day at the park.

I just got home from the park, I put my daughter to sleep for her nap a little while ago and thought I would share a few photos from our day, we left the house early and spent the entire morning and afternoon playing at the playground and just wandering through trails and gardens, it was an absolutely relaxing day and quite gorgeous outside. I will let the photos speak for themselves and remember to click any that You want to see a full size version of.

This picture is just amazing, the High res version that I have is beautiful, we came upon this during our 2 hour long hike/walk

A pretty cool little bridge we had to cross, it led back to the fitness trail that we walked on last week

This is a shot of the bridge from the other side

Just another nice view we wandered into

A small pond in an area that was decorated in a Chinese style, there were ducks all over this place (behind me) my daughter was chasing them around.

More of the Chinese style garden from the back side of the trail.

a beautiful bed of not quite bloomed Tulips surrounded this statue, this part of the walk was very relaxing, we sat on the bench in the back ground for a couple minutes just listening to the quiet.

This little temple made of pillars was nice as well, there is a pew in the back in front of a statue of Mary.

Just a little rabbit we saw while walking down one of the trails, my daughter promptly scared him off as soon as I pointed it out to her. I circled him in red to make it easier to see

a nice row of some sort of Cherry bushes, I cannot remember what exactly they were called I just know cherry was in the name.

This is a stone stairway that we came across on one of the hiking parts of our walk.

a view of a small fountain from the top of that first set of stairs.

Once we hit the top of the first section the stairs wound to the right and this is a view of that.

This section of steeper stairs with a hand rail was a bit further up the trail.

At the top of those stairs the trail continued, but my daughter was having a bit of a time with the stones so we chose a path that went down and did not have any stones on it.

That was how my day was spent, pretty relaxing yes? I thought you would agree, the intake for Monday went well ending at 1475 calories, and my weight is still dropping steadily. I am in a great mood and plan on the park again tomorrow, I really want to see where that stone trail goes, it gradually heads up hill and I could not see where it may have ended, so curiosity has the best of me. this post is a little late I know but the day was very much worth it :) as always Thanks for following along with me while I become twice the man I can be by becoming half the man I am.

As Ever

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