Friday, April 4, 2008

Day 94 weighing in and shouting from the roof tops.

I knew I was having a good week as far as the drop in weight goes because I check it through out the week, but I honestly did not expect a drop like I have this week, I got on the scale this morning and she whispered softly into my ear 456.4lbs, so I stepped off of the scale thinking "this surely is incorrect I shall try again" second time I step on it says 456.0 "hmmm" I think to myself, one more for the road, 456.6 "maybe its true" I think, let us try this again, 456.4lbs! wow I am excited, thats 8 lbs this week! 8lbs! now I am sick for the last 2 days does this have something to do with it? I don't know, honestly I don't care! 8lbs feels great, I went from 464 to 456 this week and thats awesome! (can you tell I am pleased?) so yeah...there it is...8lbs down this week.

Day ninety four went ok as far as the calories, I finally got in all 1500 of my calories for the day coming in at 1495 so thats cool, the throat is still sore and its raining this morning so I don't foresee a walk in my future. but thats ok, I need to wait until this sore throat passes before I try and push myself into going out and getting in a walk, or a workout indoors even.

This 1998 Suzuki Marauder VZ800 weighs in at 456lbs

Onto the menu for the day.


7:45 AM
1 tbsp honey with green tea 60

8:30 AM
1 banana 105
1 tbsp peanut butter 95

12:15 PM
1 can tuna 150
3 slices whole wheat bread 210
1 tbsp miracle whip 35

6:00 PM
2 cups dads chicken soup 350
3/4 cup white rice 150

8:00 PM
1 pepperoni hot pocket 280
1 tbsp honey with green tea 60

Grand total of 1495 calories for the day, and did I mention 8lbs lost this week? I feel like shouting it from the rooftops, which is funny because its a drop in the bucket compared to what I still have left to do, but considering how much weight I have lost since Jan, it is definitely an accomplishment thus far. to recap, if we take the weight loss from Jan1st I am at 78lbs lost! woah! to say it it sounds like a lot! if we take my weight loss from Jan 22nd (the day I got my scale) its 56lbs, either one is a huge number at this point. and I am very happy with what I have done. also I would like to add (for anyone that has followed my wifes loss so far, I know theres a couple ;)) she is down to 200 lbs this morning! I am extremely happy for her as well, thats a 36 lb loss for her since Jan 1st. Thank you for reading and following along with this, all of your support is greatly appreciated and you need to know that.

As Ever

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Day 94 weighing in and shouting from the roof tops.
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