Thursday, April 3, 2008

Day 93

It was a day of much fruit and even more soup. I came in under calories for the day but I expected that because of the not feeling well, I woke up today (Thurs) and my throat is killing me, meh and it is beautiful outside, a perfect day for a walk, maybe I will go even though I am under the weather, that will be decided later.

A random picture I have been messing with in PSP, I thought I would plop it up here just for fun

Common sense dictates my decisions as of late where this new way of life is concerned. Yesterday I was reflecting on how I use to eat vs how I now eat, I use to eat a huge breakfast of whatever was closest and tastiest be it a huge bowl of cereal and what was left in the 2 liter of coke in the fridge or a couple pork chops from the night before dinner, and now most mornings I have a banana with peanut butter on it, or a couple of english muffins with tomato slices on them. now I am not saying that every morning I would eat like that, But there were mornings that it happened. then onto lunch then it would be a can of tuna and 4 or 5 slices of bread and enough Mayo to stop the blood from flowing to a Moose's heart, a 32 oz glass of whole milk and a couple handfuls of whatever potato chips happened to be in the kitchen, and now, on most day I eat a can of soup or that same can of tuna except I use 1 tbsp of Miracle whip and only 2 slices of bread and its whole wheat most times. Dinner would be 2 big pork chops, or 2 chicken breasts, or 3 thighs and it was all fried, a lot of times it was battered in bread crumbs and fried! mashed potatoes with a ton of butter on them went along for the ride and a veggie, let us not forget another 32 oz glass of whole milk. Now I eat a 4-6 oz portion of whatever meat we are having, and that is broiled most times, baked others, and 1 serving of white rice that is seasoned and a veggie, and the drink is either green tea or water. lets not forget all of the snacking that went on in between all of the meals, from cookies, to pretzels, right on up to anything that was there. when I compare the 2 styles of eating there is no wonder how I blew up to where I was when I began this in January. the thing about it is this, when I was working a manual labor job and basically busting my ass every day for 9-10 hours a day and lifting weights on top of that, eating like that didn't have the same effect as it did on a body that did not work as hard as it use to, and the problem was that I did not see that, I believe I was in denial for a long time that I was injured and basically not the same person that I was years earlier. I see said the blind man, and the rest is history and here we are.

Now that I got that off my chest.....onto the menu for day 93.


8:30 AM
1 tbsp honey with green tea 60

9:00 AM
1 banana 105
1 tbsp peanut butter 95

11:00 AM
1 dannon lite yogurt 60

2:30 PM
1 can progresso soup 120
1 cup white rice 200

6:00 PM
2 cups dads chicken soup 350
3/4 cups white rice 150

8:00 PM
sugar free jello/fat free cool whip 60

8:30 PM
1 orange 85

Grand total of 1285 calories for the day, came in a little low and it was all soup or fruit, which I guess in not really bad but its all that I was able to eat without feeling worse than I already do because of whatever I have atm. my throat is killing me today but the warm green tea with honey seems to help so I have an excuse to drink gallons of it today ;)

As Ever

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