Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 66 and weigh in.

I have dropped lower in weight than I have been in about 5-6 years. I hit my 2nd goal, that goal was to get under 479 lbs. I also went for a walk on day 66 and I put my little one in her stroller and walked 1 mile in 18 minutes so thats slightly more than 3MPH for almost 20 mins, I think I have found the answer to my broken bike pedal, as long as the weather holds up. something I noticed during the walk is that my jeans kept falling down, even with a belt so I struggled to keep them up which made for an uncomfortable walk, but it also meant that I must be losing more weight so it was a good uncomfortable feeling. I came home and just for fun tried a pair of jeans on that were 1 size smaller and low and behold they fit! so I am down 3 pants whole sizes now since starting. also I posted a photo up in the beginning of starting this blog and I tried the shirt that I am wearing in that picture on and it just about fit! I could wear it out if I wanted to and it would probably be unnoticeable that it was slightly too small. its been a good week for me all around, I have come to terms with the fact that 7-8lbs will not drop off per week and I have to be good with that, and I thank the people that have emailed me on this subject, it helped.

Total loss for this week is 4lbs so I am down to 477lbs at wake up time today, now I gotta say I have not had a launch at the docks since Wednesday, so I am probably a little less than 477 but it is what the scale says it is on wake up on Fridays ;) so 477 it is. I am happy with that number. besides did I mention that its the lightest I have been in 5 years? oh yeah I did :)

My next goal will be to get to 460 lbs, I will take a few baby steps with some goals as it seems that its coming off slower than in the very beginning, and I don't want to set myself up for disappointment. so 460 is a 17lb loss from today. I will see my cousin and an aunt and uncle this weekend for the first time since Christmas and I am very curious to see if they notice the weight loss. they all know that I have lost weight but have not seen me so I am curious to see the reactions. this is turning into a long post so I will cut it off here. and give you the menu along with my item that weighs 477lbs.

This 1974 GT550 weighs 477 lbs


8:15 AM
2 boiled egg (beet egg) 150
1 banana 105

10:15 AM
1 pear 85

1:00 PM
1 can lite progresso soup 120
1/2 cup cooked white rice 100
1 Dannon lite yogurt 60
1 cup 1% milk 110

3:00 PM
small dannon lite yogurt 45

6:15 PM
5oz roast chicken 250
1/2 cup cooked white rice 100
1 1/3 cup fresh frozen green beans 60
1/2 pat butter 20

9:00 PM
Green tea w/2 tspn honey 40

Grand total of 1245 calories for the day, I have to say I am happy with my losses to date and know I am bettering myself and my family because I will be around a long time because of this change. I just wish that I had done this a long time ago, something dawned on me as I wrote this last part of the post, I was not happy with living in CA for the past 8 years, maybe that contributed to the weight not coming off but going up, now that I am "Home" back in New England maybe something clicked inside me and its why I am successful so far, I will have to give that some thought. either way Thanks for following.

As Ever

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