Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 21

It was a good day, wifey and my boy were home because of MLK day, I got back on the bike after the weekend off and still staying close to that 1500 mark, the smell of soup was in the air as we made Dads chicken soup (it was very good!) it was a great day actually until my 2 year old accidentally knocked my guitar off of its stand and knocked a small chunk out of the top of the head, and ironically what chipped the guitar was the exercise bike that it landed on!

I am very anxious today (Tuesday) because the scale that I ordered should be here, I am still a bit worried that I will get on and it will grunt and tell me to get off lol. I will most definitely be posting an entry when/if it arrives with the results, hopefully I get a number and not a grunt when I get on! since I will e posting (hopefully) later with the arrival of that scale I will keep this post relatively short, and onto the menu.


9:00 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130

1:00 PM
2 hebrew national hotdogs 90
2 slices Beefsteak lite rye bread 80
small green salad 50
2 tbsp lite Cesar dressing 90
large glass of crystal light 20

5:45 PM
2 cups Dads chicken soup 400
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1 slice Beefsteak lite rye bread 40

9:00 PM
5 cups of air popped popcorn 100
2 pats of butter 70

Grand total of 1400 calories for the day, all I have on my mind today as I write this is that scale and my damaged guitar. sorry if I am obsessing a bit with those two things lol. were suppose to get some more snow this afternoon and into the evening...yay more snow, can you feel my sarcasm....um I mean excitement? ;) anyways thanks for reading and tune in for scale results (hopefully) later on in the day!

As Ever

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