Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Weigh in

Ok so like I said I was expecting the scale today, well its here! I heard the mail truck pull up and the scale was in the house and unwrapped in record time, batteries in it and off I went to the hard kitchen floor, stood on the scale and...

Before I get to that, the scale is very sturdy upon my first assessment, it better be! it supports 550 lbs, it is very thin but very wide. I am happy with its construction so far (its been about 45 minutes that I have had it) so we shall see. it has a very pleasing voice that states the weight once its calibrated (probably won't use this feature) so far so good.

So..where was I, oh yeah, I stepped onto the scale and it said in that pleasant voice five hundred thirteen pounds. a huge smile had to come over my face as I was relieved that it held me and gave me a number! first time in history someone was happy to hear that they weighed five hundred thirteen lbs lbs? maybe, maybe not lol. I decided to get on and off a few times and the next time said 511.3, then 512.1, then 511.6 so I am going to call the start weight (start from today anyways I will never know what my real start weight was) 512 this is the starting weight for me as of 01-22-08.

I am so happy to finally know what that magical weight is,..magical yeah thats it lol really I am happy that I know now and can check weekly, I might weigh in tomorrow morning when I wake up because right now I have had at least 2 glasses of water and my breakfast so I want a clean morning weight and I may start the weight off there. I haven't decided yet, either way WOW I am freekin 512 lbs....thats a lot of potatoes! the bright side of this? my target weight is 275 lbs and I look decent at 300! lol at least I am not shooting for 180 or something like that! I could write all day about how excited I am to know my weight! so before I do that I will end this post here and I will probably post up my exercise later on. 512! man! I gots a long road ahead of me :) Thanks for all of the support and as always thank you for reading.

As Ever

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