Heading into the week full on and expecting to have at least a decent loss come Friday I am on track to do so thus far if my intake and exercise is the gauge. Getting right to it I made it to the gym yesterday and did 25 minutes on the stationary bike, 30 minutes on the treadmill and 40 minutes of weight lifting and I feel good about the workout. My intake was 1730 calories total and I drank, um, I lost count at almost 3 gallons, yes I said 3 gallons, I was up in weight Monday morning from my off kilter Sunday intake schedule and wanted to sort of flush the system and make sure that hydration was not an issue so that I did. After dinner we made it out for a walk while my daughter rode her new bike so it was more like a walk/jog along with her and was about 1.25 miles total so that was relaxing, but enough about that have a look at yesterdays menu.
7:15 AM
2 cups honey combs 220
8oz 1% milk 110
8:30 AM
banana 105
11:45 AM
zone bar 190
2:45 PM
2 slices wheat bread 140
4oz turkey breast 100
1 T miracle whip 40
1oz chips 75
4oz baby carrots 45
4:15 PM
apple 85
5:45 PM
1 hard roll 180
4oz turkey breast 100
1 T miracle whip 40
1.5 oz light chips 110
8:30 PM
Yoplait yogurt 110
10oz strawberries 80
Making my way towards a healthy weight one day at a time I am getting closer to that coveted 2XX weight that I seek and I have a good feeling that it will be sooner than later that it shows up on my scale. If you think that its an impossible task to lose a massive amount of weight and keep it off you have to get past that overwhelming feeling and push through, if I had stopped at my thoughts about how impossible it seemed I don't know where I might be today. It is not easy, it is not a walk in the park but I can tell you that all of the hard work that goes into a healthy lifestyle comes back ten fold in the rewards that are there for the taking when success comes. The hard work starts feeling less like hard work and more like just the way things are and I think its at that point when we start feeling more normal and I can see just how clear of a line there is between living healthy and living the way that a 500 pound guy has to be living to maintain that weight because it is night and day.
You can drop the weight, you can get healthy and you do have the willpower to make it happen, the biggest question is will you take your health into your own hands and make that choice to live a life that is full of what you want, or will the choice be to sit back and feel bad for the situation. I chose the latter for all too long and it got me where I was, the choice really does fall on my shoulders to make sure that it does not happen again and every time that I look into a mirror I can blame that fella for everything that I have done for my health in the last two years but on the other side of that its the same guy that was there at 534 pounds so he gets the blame for his part as well.
Today I will eat within my calorie range, today I will go to the gym, today I will drink enough to assure that I am hydrated and tonight I will get a full nights sleep, what will you do today for YOUR health?
That's all I got.
You can drop the weight, you can get healthy and you do have the willpower to make it happen, the biggest question is will you take your health into your own hands and make that choice to live a life that is full of what you want, or will the choice be to sit back and feel bad for the situation. I chose the latter for all too long and it got me where I was, the choice really does fall on my shoulders to make sure that it does not happen again and every time that I look into a mirror I can blame that fella for everything that I have done for my health in the last two years but on the other side of that its the same guy that was there at 534 pounds so he gets the blame for his part as well.
Today I will eat within my calorie range, today I will go to the gym, today I will drink enough to assure that I am hydrated and tonight I will get a full nights sleep, what will you do today for YOUR health?
That's all I got.
As Ever
YOU make the decisions..