Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Another day in the life of...

Tuesday went well, I got to the gym, I ate within my calorie range, I drank more than 2 gallons of fluids and I got eight hours sleep, not too shabby if I do say so myself. Making a lifestyle change instead of being on a diet is key in this whole weight loss extravaganza and I believe that the fact that I have made this a lifestyle change and not just the next thing is why I can recover so quickly from a bad weekend or four. I have noticed that I have been up after the weekends and I have been blaming it on bad food choices etc when there is actually more to it than that. In general I do not go to the gym on the weekends unless we can find a baby sitter, but if not then its just house stuff that gets done on the weekend so there is another factor as to why I may be peeking back up slightly come Monday hop on the scale. To say that I am making bad or worse food choices on the weekends is misleading as well, when I say bad food choices I do not mean that I am raiding the fridge and I do not mean eating a ton of extra calories, its closer to not really getting as much fluid into my days because I am busier than on the week days or that I had a big ol salty bowl of popcorn with wify while watching a movie and come Monday the less water more sodium less movement plus a shake of somewhat of a stressful situation I am going through right now apparently equals up to an up fluctuation now and again.

In spite of everything that I just said I do believe that I will see a drop in weight this week, do you see what I mean when I mentioned groundhog day in yesterdays post? its like I am cycling through the same time span over and over and over. With that said, I am making advances with my health each and every week, it is easier for me to do my 50 minutes of cardio per day and I am finding that if I needed/wanted to I could probably toss in another 30 minutes with not too much of an issue but then the question is why? is 50 minutes to an hour of cardio not enough? I am getting stronger with the weight lifting and I have some definition which is mostly hidden behind flying squirrel like skin for the moment being but I am seeing actual gains in strength and endurance and progress is progress.

I must stay as focused as possible so that come April 2nd I am looking at my next goal instead of trying to figure out what happened with this one, I have to get to that under 300 pound mark if not because its a lesser weight then to prove to myself that I can still meet ambitious goals with my health. Will I reach that sub 300 pound mark by April 2nd? only God knows but I have a strong feeling that I will get there before April 2nd because in lieu of a personal crisis that is happening for us right now which will not get more detailed than that as far as my blog is concerned I must keep focused and I must finish what I have started and take my health back.

This week I will predict that the motorcycle photos will return and I am also looking for a new all time low weight, again, am I ambitious? you betcha! if I do not show a loss come Friday it matters not because it is who I am now to continue down my path and get as healthy as I possibly can, I actually get down if I have to miss a workout and cannot wait for spring to get here again so that I can get back on on my bike on those days that the gym is not an option.

Lastly, I have adjusted the comment section on here because I have been getting more and more spam comments with links to a shoe seller, another for energy drinks and a political site so I turned on comment moderation which is something that I have not had to do until now. I did not want to turn off anon comments because I am interested in hearing from anyone that actually reads my blog even if they wish to stay anonymous so the moderation was the next best thing. It changes nothing besides the fact that I will have to click a tab that allows the comment to be posted before it shows up in the comment section so please don't let it stop you from commenting as lately I noticed fewer comments in general from actual readers of my blog.

That's all I got for ya on this cold windy Wednesday so it shall end here.

As Ever

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