Friday, October 23, 2009

Weigh in, a new all time low weight! Happy Happy Joy Joy!

So today is kind of a special weigh in for me, last week I weighed 332 pounds which was only 2 pounds heavier than my lightest weight since starting down this path to better health so it offers me the opportunity to possibly hit a new low weight with this mornings trot to the scale. I have been doing well week to week where the actual weigh in comes into play and I have been going to the gym almost religiously and even when I was not feeling well, the results I have had since joining up out weigh any blah feeling that I may have because of a cold. I woke up as usual and straight away to the scale I went where I saw a new number flash across the display, it said 228.0, so also as usual two more times I weigh myself the second time it said 227.8 and the third was 228.0 again so it appears that we have a 4 pound loss this week to go along with the new low not to mention the fact that I am into the 320's! I have worked for it and deserve every ounce of it. It has been a while since I have been able to post the "what I weigh" and "what I have lost" photos but with the new low this week I can pop them back up and here are some things that I weigh as much as and weigh as much as I have lost.

This 1969 Suzuki Rebel comes in at 328 pounds like yours truly

This is Lyoto Machinda a UFC fighter and he weighs 206 pounds which is what I have lost so far.

Over all I am feeling good and can't see an end to my drive at this point, actually I did schedule my Surgery for my gallbladder so that week I suppose I will have a slow down but other than that not even the Holidaze scare me. If I were to lose an average of 2 pounds per week from here until May I will be at my original goal weight of 275 pounds which in all honesty at one point seemed like a very ambitious pipe dream and here I am 53 pounds away from that. I still have a large amount of weight to lose, I mean 53 pounds is not really a drop in the bucket but I suppose when you look at it from the angle that I have dropped 206 total pounds it sure feels small but there are some people that struggle to get much less than that off and have a very hard time doing so. Then there is that whole whing that the last bit is always the hardest bit to get off, did I just call 53 pounds a bit? Either way I feel like I am approaching something big with this last 53 being right here.

I have adjusted my goals slightly along the way and my goal is to hit 267 pounds, seems random right? its not really, at 267 pounds I will have lost 50% of my total weight and there is something about being able to say that which is making me want it, my actual goal is to reach 265 pounds because then I would weigh less than my father but that's just boys being boys. The closer that I get to my goal weight the more that I think I should get lower even, I honestly believe that I will end up aiming for something closer to 245 as a grand finale weight and I get that number from my brother. My brother is about 1/4 inch shorter than me and not as big, where as I am a large frame he is more a big medium frame and he also has less muscle mass than I do. He weighs 230 pounds and you would never think he weighed that much as he looks like a thick pole so I figure if I am bigger than he is mass wise as well as a bigger frame 245 should be just about perfect for me as an end weight but then these things seem to change as progress is made so who knows.

For today I am pleased with my 4 pound drop this week and I am going to try and keep this trend going for a couple while and see if I can get ahead of myself a bit with the 2 pounds per week until May plan. I will eventually hit 275 lbs, I will eventually be able to say that I have lost 50% of my total weight and get to that 267 lb mark, I will hit 250 lbs some day because I am not on a diet, I have changed my life to fit into my goals.

Thanks for reading along, and here's to another good week.

As Ever

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Weigh in, a new all time low weight! Happy Happy Joy Joy!
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