Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ships in port and realizations, what say you!

I had to pick up a few things at the supermarket last night and while I was walking around the store with my 3 year old screaming jingle bells the whole time providing entertainment for the entire store I was taking notice of the things in peoples carts and I started noticing a trend, virtually every person had a cart full of processed food items. Ho-Ho's, Hostess muffins, soda of all types, pre-packaged fish and tv dinners and it became clear to me why so many people are over weight these days, myself included. I use to be that guy walking through the isle (well my wife was that person I usually stayed home) with all of those things in the cart and now here I was with a bag full of apples, another full of pears and a bunch of bananas sitting next to some green tea a carton of eggs and a package of light multigrain english muffins not to mention the skinless chicken breast in my cart. I was waiting in line at the deli counter for some American cheese and next to me was a woman with a kid in her cart and he had a box of cheese nips in the little seat next to him and his fingers were covered in cheesy goodness and he was digging in, but so was mom so its just what normal life is to the little guy. I thought about that kid and how he may just turn out to be a 534 pound fella like I was some day, I thought "She should have given him a bag of grapes to graze on while they shopped" and then thought about how I was that person once upon a time, I was that guy with the open bag of chips in the cart while walking through the isles just munching away and not so long ago my thought may have been closer to "Ohhh cheese nips! now there is an idea!" as I dropped a couple boxes into my own cart, It is amazing how we perceive things depending on the state of mind we are in.

I like to believe that I have turned myself around 180 degrees where health and my eating habits are concerned, I know that I will live longer because of my decision, I know that my kids and wife will have me around just a bit longer and we will do more in that time because of making the choice to get healthy again and lose this weight. It is not only my family that is getting a benefit from this change either, I get email messages from total strangers telling me how something I wrote made something click inside them and they have been eating better because of it and I have to admit that messages like that make me want to stay on track even more than I already do. I have made friends through this blog that if not for my weight I would not have had the pleasure and I have received some great messages from people from all over the place asking me questions or telling me of their success and in what way my blog has helped them in that and thats not something that I expected to happen when I started writing in this blog. I started writing because I wanted a place to stay accountable and I left it public because then I knew there was a chance someone would see it, then on my 4th post there was a comment by "Anonymous" and I thought "wow someone read this? pretty cool" and then in the next week a couple more comments came in and it really made me want to write more on this blog that I started on a whim. Now I see that 49 people have added themselves to the "follow" part of this page (I know there are more of you that are not on that list too) and I thinks thats very cool! there are a few of you that have emailed me and we chat often and then there are others that have never left a comment and I appreciate each of you that choose to follow along with me as I get healthy again, this blog has helped me stick to plan more than you know, so Thanks. Ok ok before I start getting sappy or something have a look at yesterdays menu.


8:00 AM
2 light english muffins 180
1 serving turkey pepperoni 70
sliced tomato 15
2 wedges laughing cow cheese 70
1 dill pickle 5

11:45 AM
1 pear 85

2:30 PM
1 banana 105
1 T peanut butter 95

3:15 PM
2 slices whole wheat bread 140
1 T peanut butter 95
1 T jam 50

6:45 PM
1 can tuna 150
1 T miracle whip 35
2 80 cal rolls 160
1 dill pickle 10
sliced tomato 15

8:30 PM
1 Pear 85
1 Apple 90

Thats a grand total of 1455 calories for the day, I did get in a 25 minute ride on my stationary bike last night as well but I am afraid I have to admit that the ships have not left port in a couple of days. I do hope thats on the schedule for the day at some point because tomorrow is weigh in day and I am afraid its looking bleak if some of these ships don't clear out. Otherwise this week has gone well enough that I think there will be at least a small loss tomorrow morning and if not? no worries there is always next week right? Thats it kids, another episode is behind us and hopefully another pound or 3 gone for good, You know the place so be here tomorrow for the next episode of as the fat man turns.

Don't forget that H2O that you deserve for reading the post.

As Ever

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Ships in port and realizations, what say you!
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