Sunday, January 25, 2009

A cold lazy Sunday.

Lazily sitting around the house on this cold Sunday afternoon, we had a high of 38 degrees yesterday so it was a beautiful January day here in New England, but such is many a day here in the good ol North East we had a 29 degree swing over night and we woke up to 9 degrees. I have the crock pot full of pinto beans and pork neck bones cooking since 10am and we are having a whole chicken roasted for dinner so thats helping keep the house nice and warm, well that and I have the wood burner going in the basement. Something is amiss with my body though, I am unsure if that steak dinner threw my body into some kind of rebellion or if its the Cargo ships holding in port but I am up 4 pounds since Friday's weigh in, I know that I did not gain 4 pounds in a day and a half so I believe that its a combination of those things along with the fact that I only drank about 32 oz of water Friday and a pair of cherry cokes at dinner and then yesterday I had only one gallon of green tea and nothing else so I may be slightly dehydrated which I believe to be the case.

My guess is this week will be one with a small loss and if it is, no worries because I am already ahead of schedule with my goal of hitting 300 by the end of June though I am a little anxious to hit that 200 pound lost mark thats going to happen in about 20 pounds. As I type this re-hydration with my special blend of home brewed green tea is happening and I have 2 gallons made in the kitchen and ready to go, Wify has finally seen the light and has decided to bite the bullet and hop on my green tea train, she asked if I would start making a gallon for her when I make mine because of this plateau she has hit with her weight loss. She does not enjoy the taste of green tea (shame on her!) but she sees what its done and is doing for me so she is sold.

Otherwise everything is where it should be and I am on track, before the day is up I plan on filtering that 2 gallons of tea through me and making sure that I am hydrated to proper levels. I will ride my bike just as soon as I hit the post button on this entry and thats all a fella can do. What will you do today to assure that you are doing all that you can to drop some weight? or just get healthier in general? you can always start with a glass of water and move up from there, it works..

Thanks for reading.

As Ever

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