The point is that people always seem to have an excuse to not lose weight, be it no time, they don't know how to or the willpower doesn't exist. All false of course and all just the next excuse in the line of excuses that brought them additional weight on their bones. In the beginning of the year I decided that excuses did not a single person good and I am not excluded from that club, the only thing that will get the weight off and keep it off will be moderate eating and a regular exercise schedule. if you don't like that equation then you are most likely destined to be heavy for the duration of your time here on this rock we call home, or at least unhappy with your results. Each and every one of us can do this weight loss gig, and each and everyone of us can be successful at it as long as the time and effort that it deserves goes into it and we are honest with ourselves about what we are eating and whether we are getting the exercise in that we should be.
Anyone can lose weight, anyone can exercise daily, I guess the question is do you want it bad enough? I do. I actually get excited sometimes about trying to lose weight and at this point in the game its just that, a game. Now that I realize that losing weight is not actually anything more than mind over matter, if you can take the excuses out and replace it with a little bit of drive I believe we would find that none of us would have weight issues.
Thanks for reading along.
As Ever
Yes you can...