Cold weather seems to have come and does not look as if its leaving until spring again, this is my favorite time of the year. Last night I took a walk instead of riding my stationary bike, 1.6 miles in 28 minutes equates to just a tad over 3mph. upon walking through the door when I was through I noticed that I was wearing the same hoodie that I had taken some pictures back in Jan in and asked Wify to take a pic of me to compare it to the one taken in January, man what 10 months can do to a fella! The jeans in the before pic are 6 whole sizes too big for me now! and the jeans in the after (the ones I am wearing) are 4 sizes too big and cinched up with a belt, the hoodie and hat are the same. I remember taking the before picture very clearly, it was when I had just began walking for exercise and we took the kids outside and were going to walk to a small playground thats only about 2 blocks from our house and I remember saying to Wify once we got to the playground "looks like I got my exercise in for the day" I had walked a total of 2 blocks! and felt that was exercise! have a look at the side by side for yourself.

My intake was at 1685 total calories for Monday with dinner being turkey burgers cooked outside on the grill with sweet potato fries on the side which is pretty much one of my favorite meals since starting to eat better. Tonight I am planning on making BLT's with turkey bacon and whole wheat bread and meal planning comes naturally now. Exercising just happens and I feel bad if I miss a day, this is such a change from how things were for far too long.
Since today is election day my son is home from school and I have two kiddos to deal with so I will keep this post short. Everything is on track and were still trucking along with the eating better and living healthy and I am hoping that I can report a big drop this week. The last thing I will leave you with today is, Go Vote! it doesn't matter who for, just do it.
Since today is election day my son is home from school and I have two kiddos to deal with so I will keep this post short. Everything is on track and were still trucking along with the eating better and living healthy and I am hoping that I can report a big drop this week. The last thing I will leave you with today is, Go Vote! it doesn't matter who for, just do it.
As Ever
Voting, exercise, and meals...