Today is Friday so that means its weigh in day again, honestly I expected a gain this week, I did next to no exercise this week and slipped more than once over the past 7 days, I had some candy on Halloween and I have been eating a candy bar here and there all week, albeit they were fun size bars still candy none the less. I have been binging on sweet chunks of chocolaty goodness because its been a stressful week (non weight loss related) as you can see from my lack of posting this week But I won't try and make excuses, it is what it is. I did stick to my calories for the most part but I as I mentioned did next to no exercise and the result is that I am up slightly more than one pound from last week, 370.6 is what the scale said more than once so thats what it will get recorded at. Yesterdays calories came in low at 1405 and I ended the day with some very yummy Kiwi fruit the lowness of the total is no biggie but it is much lower than it should have been and I will be back on track today and this week.

For reasons unknown the ships are all docked and have been there for two days now, today making day three and I believe that may also be partially responsible for the gain this week because when they decide to leave port I am sure I will be back at or at least closer to last weeks 369 weigh in. Could it be the candy? could it be that I haven't been drinking enough? or maybe the lack of movement this week has something to do with it? no pun intended. I might attempt to go all veggie this weekend with the intake just for kicks and see if it helps with getting the frigates out of the yard on a more regular schedule again. For the most part everything is still all good and well but we all hit a speed bump here ad there and I am no exception to the rule unfortunately for me. Sometimes the drama of plain old living gets the better of us and knocks us off course, the only thing we can do is get back on that horse and try again, please don't take my less than enthusiastic post this morning as anything more than I am in a blah mood which has been the case for a couple days, I AM still on board and I AM sticking with the keep on keepin on, ain't nothing changing that, like I said sometimes we have these weeks. I will not post a pic of what I weigh today because I don't feel like going backwards with the weight in the photo and I apologize for being less than an inspiration this week, sometimes its me that needs the support and it appears this was that week. Thanks for following along.
As Ever
Weighing in and a gain!