I just wanted to plop a quick post down to let all who responded to yesterdays post adding to the push up tally for today that I did in fact do the 70 push ups for the 7 comments where people drank their water. I did 2 sets of 20 and 2 sets of 15 with about a minute rest between sets this afternoon and then we were off to my Mother in laws house for dinner, we had Salmon, butternut squash, seasoned baby red potatoes and steamed broccoli with a Halloween cake for desert, it was a good solid meal that I only went slightly over calories on because of a pumpkin beer and the cake. We walked for more than 2 hours last night trick or treating and the kids had a blast, we had a Mad scientist and an Ice princess that ended up with more than 7 pounds of candy combined! I weighed it on my salters scale, not a bad haul for a family that includes two people on a low calorie intake plan, one child with diabetes and the other is just three, we will be donating the candy at my wifes job where they do a collection each year.

We just got in and like I said I thought I would pop up a quick post letting anyone that cares enough to read that I made good on my push up challenge. I did et too many candies and I will admit that up front but hey its once per year and I am after all only human right? tomorrow (Sunday) I am back on track 100% and no more candy unless it goes onto my Excel sheet and even then I am planning on limiting what I eat, that concludes tonights update.
Thanks for following.

We just got in and like I said I thought I would pop up a quick post letting anyone that cares enough to read that I made good on my push up challenge. I did et too many candies and I will admit that up front but hey its once per year and I am after all only human right? tomorrow (Sunday) I am back on track 100% and no more candy unless it goes onto my Excel sheet and even then I am planning on limiting what I eat, that concludes tonights update.
Thanks for following.
As Ever
Push ups and candy oh my!