A bright and early post for your eyes, and I will get right to it with the weigh in numbers. Upon waking of course I went straight for the scale and the first number that I saw was 366.4lbs, woohoo! I thought, so I stepped off and back on again and 366.2lbs flashed across the display so once again for third times a charm and it was 366.2lbs again so it will be recorded as 366 pounds! Thats a 4.4 pound loss from last Friday and this is the lightest I have been yet since starting this weight loss regimen. I have lost a total of 168 pounds to date and I have 91 pounds left to lose to get to my goal of weighing 275 pounds and that fact is simply insane to me seeing that I was 534 pounds just 10 months ago, so needless to say I am happy with this weeks weight number and just in general am feeling great about the entire process thus far, here are some photos so that you can have a visual reference for these figures.

I am happy to be back on a downward swing with the weight and ill be trying my best to keep it that way because as we all know Thanksgiving is on the way and after that Christmas is just around the corner and I know I will be slipping on those days, I say slipping but its not really slipping as I am going to just enjoy myself and not count calories those days. I don't plan on gorging myself for the holidays but why can't a fella enjoy some good eats along with everyone else? yep hes gonna! once again if you made it to this point in my post you deserve a glass of water so go get it and I will put the challenge out there again this week and do 10 push ups on Saturday for every comment that I get on todays post by midnight Friday Nov 14th stating that you got that drink! last week I had 7 comments before midnight so I ended up with 70 push ups on Saturday, it was a fun challenge so I am tossing it out there again and Wify can confirm that I did them again via a comment on a weekend post but remember the challenge is that you drink a glass of water and then post that you did, so go get hydrated.
Thanks for reading and for all of the support.
As Ever
I weighed in today and.....