Friday, April 25, 2008

Just another day in the life of me, Day 115 and into the forty's

Weigh in day is upon me once again, I am a bit confused with todays number because it was less on Monday and it was less yesterday but it is still a loss so how bad can it really be? I weighed in this morning and the number was 448.4lbs, then the second try it said 448.8lbs, number three was 449lbs on the nose, and I always take the highest number so 449lbs it is. Thats a two pound loss from last week as well as it puts me below the half way mark, so I am now closer to 400lbs than I am to 500lbs, a Victory for sure so I am happy with the loss. being under 450lbs is a great feeling and I believe the extra weight is because there is a shuttle launch that has been delayed because of weather. if that shuttle gets launched into the abyss sometime before noon today maybe I will pop on here and update the weight if it was to end up lower than what it is right now, or maybe I should just accept that Friday morning the scale said 449lbs because a loss is a loss is a loss. I also wanted to throw in there because I know a couple of you that follow along with this blog follow along with my wifes progress through comments etc that she made it below the 200 lb mark! she was 197lbs this morning, I am extremely happy for her and she seems to have a new way about herself lately and looks great! she has been a Huge source of help and encouragement to me while I have been doing this weight loss thang, and she is who inspires me to keep on keepin on with this trip down the scale, and I thought I would mention her progress.

This 1981 GS500L weighs in at 449 pounds.

Thursday was an ok day besides the lack of enthusiasm early on. I did end up going out for a walk where my daughter picked just about every flower that we saw along the way, she is really starting to be aware of where she is, to the point where she tells me which way we need to go to get home, and we may be more than a mile into our walk and she can tell me which way to go to get home, at 2 3/4 years of age I think thats pretty good :). later in the day I went out and shampooed, scrubbed, and cleaned the carpet in my car, it came out very good, much better than I had expected it to. these carpets were actually black in spots. the entire front drivers side was black, and this is a tan interior! there was an orange juice stain on the passenger side front that I just could not get out previously and behind the passenger seat was black as well. and I don't exaggerate when I say black, I wish I had taken a before picture of it. here is a photo of the finished job, I think I will go out this afternoon and do some spot cleaning on anything I may have missed.

The square under the dash that still looks dirty is a rubber pad built into the carpet, other than that being a little dirty not bad for a 10 year old interior eh?

my intake for Thursday was good coming in at 1360 total calories, the meals were not as spread out as I would have liked them to be and I did come in a little low but nothing I can do about it at this point, heres the menu for Thursday.



8:30 AM
1.5 cups bran cereal 180
8oz 1% milk 110

11:30 AM
1 apple 80

2:00 PM
1 progresso soup 120
1 gortons fish fillet 170
blueberry green tea 20

6:15 PM
8oz ground turkey 320
2 arnold 100 calorie rolls 200
5oz sweet potato fries 125
ketchup 20
blueberry green tea 15

Not a bad day for one that started out so bleh for me, and now that I am into the 40's and out of the 50's it somehow feels like an accomplishment for the week even though its just a 2 lb loss when it was a 4 lb loss at one point during the week. Thanks for reading and to everyone else trying to lose a few pounds, keep on keepin on and it shall be so.

As Ever

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Just another day in the life of me, Day 115 and into the forty's
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