Thursday, April 24, 2008

One hundred and fourteen days in.

Its just before ten am and I just put a pot on the stove to make some chicken soup as I had a perfectly fine carcass in the fridge. its in the high 60's low 70's and theres a nice breeze outside, the sky is blue with a couple fluffy white clouds floating around, I will go out for a walk when I am done posting this. I am feeling really good at this point in the game, which is only 4 months in. I have dropped a substantial amount of weight in that time and there is no end in sight as far as the loss goes. I didn't feel like writing today so I decided to just start typing and see what came out, I am in sort of a just here mood, I believe I will drag the lawn furniture up out of the basement and back out into the yard later and just relax under one of the trees in my back yard. my weight seems to be going down steadily and I am still not struggling with feeling hungry or being able to stay under my intake goal of 1500 calories. the exercise has not really picked up from last week as much as I would have liked it to have, But I have been pretty active and moving around all week though so I don't feel that bad about it.

Part deux

Ok here I am its now 11:18am, I had closed this post for lack of enthusiasm, and still have not gone for a walk, I am feeling very for lack of a better term today, lazy, and unmotivated. its the kind of day that I just want to go sit in the yard with a 6 pack and a watermelon and thats that. but I have calories to watch, and soup to cook and children to play with bleh. I AM going for a walk when I click the publish button on this post, but I can't seem to get my shit together this morning and get a move on. the sound of a Large vacuum cleaner mounted inside a van bellows through the air right at this moment as Barney sings "I love you you love me" the smell of chicken is in the air and right now as I type this I have had enough, I am on my way out the door, perhaps I will bring my digital camera and take a few pictures of what I see whilst I walk and post them up here when I get back, perhaps I won't I don't know, but I will bring the camera either way. wow talk about a randomness personified...

I shall return

As Ever

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One hundred and fourteen days in.
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