One hundred seventeen days into this journey to find the smaller me within me. Fridays intake went well ending with 1477 total calories for the day and then we move straight on to Saturday. it was a gloomy morning but it cleared up by noon and the sun was shining, we decided to go to the park with a friend of mine and his kids, so we met up at "my" park and played for a few hours, the playground was fun as usual and the kiddos were all getting along, a good time was had by all, but it was bitter sweet because I found out My buddy is moving to Missouri in July for his Job, He and I have been friends for as long as I can remember (which is since 1st grade) and hes more like a brother than a friend, I am very happy that he has a great opportunity to make a boat load of cash with this new job but at the same time it sucks that he will be moving away, I have been in CA for the past 8 years and now I move back home and he's leaving. it is what it is.

Then there was Bob's, I have been needing to get a new pair of kicks to walk in as the Adidas just were not doing the job without causing me frustration. since we were out, not far from a Bob's store and with Gas prices reaching $3.75 per gallon over the weekend, we decided to go check out what Bob's had in a size 14. Usually I go into a store and find what I want and then its time to find someone that works there to order me a size 14, so I was fully expecting this to be a trip to "look" at some sneakers. to my surprise there was a huge supply of size 14's there, I even found a pair of 15's. My son was running through the isles grabbing every pair of size 14 running shoes that he could find and bringing them to me, it was kind f funny. for the past I don't even know how many years I wore nothing but Shell toed Adidas, I like plain sneakers, most of the sneakers that are out today look like either a 13 year old designed them or like space shoes. Plain white....Can I have it? so.. after deciding that I was not going to get a pair of plain white running shoes I found a pair that is mainly white with some blue and gray on them I believe they were New balance, then a pair of Reebok's that were almost all white but had blue stripes on them, and finally a pair of Saucony's which were white blue and silver/gray, they all fit ok but the Saucony brand shoes felt like they weighed nothing so I went with them even though I have never heard of the brand, I hope they turn out to be high quality. we had a $10 off coupon for anything over $10 so I got the shoes for $39.99, not too bad. I will report later whether they held up or not.

All in all it was a good day, and its about Noon now on Sunday, its a bit cooler out today but were heading out to the yard to play catch for a while. Thanks for reading my long winded post, hope everyone else is having a good weekend as well.
As Ever
A day at the park, 117 days in.