Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Its 9:15 pm and I just finished my workout, 25 minutes on the bike and 40 push ups. I ran into a small bump earlier and could not do it until now. I do not want to skip another day.

Ok its now 9:31 pm, I just remembered that there is a total eclipse tonight the totals out around 10:04 pm and it is absolutely crystal clear outside so I just ran out and took a look at it. its about half way covered currently and I snapped a few pictures, this eclipse is suppose to be red so I will try and get some pictures of it at its peak and i will post them on the AM's entry. you will have to excuse the not so gorgeous pictures as I do not expect them to come out beautiful as I am shooting through a digital, (a nice digital but still) Ihope to get at least a few decent pics.

ok now that I am off track and want to go look at the moon this post is officially done! lol

As Ever

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