Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 41

Sunday was uneventful at best. it was very cold and very windy almost all day, 14 degrees and wind chill in the negatives. weeeee fun. so no out door activities for Me. intake was good for the day I did come in about 200 short but thats ok. I have managed to stay off of the scale all weekend, this is the longest I have lasted without checking it since I have had the scale and its drivin me nuts lol.

I find myself calm today (Monday) and with an empty head, is that a good thing? maybe also I have been noticing lately that I don't have to give this change much thought and I am right on track, meaning that I do not have to think about it any more, I just eat the way I am suppose to and I exercise and its not like I am doing anything out of the normal. this lifestyle has become "the norm" for me. I have zero urges to eat bad food and I actually catch myself looking at the clock to see if its time for my work outs. it feels like my early 20's again minus the partying ;) .

Back to the wind and cold for a moment. Last night as we went to bed the wind had picked up and the news said it was blowing at 40 MPH, now add that to the fact that it was 10 degrees outside and it made for something nasty. the wind was howling so loud that my daughter could not sleep she kept waking up and crying, we tried to tell her that it was ok, and my wife tried to tell her it was airplanes but she ended up sleeping in our room with us because she just could not calm down. I also worry that something (trees) will blow over onto my car in the driveway with all of this wind, there are branches all over my back yard not that far from the car, its not being driven in the winter months because of the snow/rain etc, and its not in a garage. this wind has to stop! lol she is a California car and is not use to this weather, I swear when I looked out the window at it yesterday it gave me a dirty look! I am rambling now, let me get to the menu.

Just thought I would post a picture or 2 of my Baby in the driveway since I mentioned it


11:00 AM
2 hebrew national hot dogs 90
2 slices lite rye 80
1oz Vermont cheddar 110
8 Ritz crackers 128

3:30 PM
1 can Tuna 175
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
2 slices lite rye bread 80
1 Dannon light yogurt 60

6:30 PM
3oz steamed shrimp 100
3/4 cup white rice 150
1 cup green beans 40
1 pat butter 35

9:00 PM
1 banana 120
1 tbsp peanut butter 100

Grand total of 1303 calories
for the day, I actually had to eat last night just to eat and get in some calorie. the banana was not needed as far as hunger goes. over all a great day and like I said earlier. its just natural to me at this point. I don't see me failing at this, now I wonder about how much weight will be dropped in a years time. 100+ lbs is my prediction, stay tuned to find out!

As Ever

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