Day 13 is over, today has not been the best of days as far as food goes and thats only in my head as I did stay under the 1500 calories per day mark, I feel like I cheated because I had a big dinner at Mom in laws house, 815 of my calories today came from dinner alone. I did zero exercise but its only around 9:20 pm right now so maybe I will get a little in before bed. I am craving something bad for the first time tonight since I started this whole thing, namely chocolate cake lol. I think it is because of the dinner out tonight, usually dinner at Mom in laws includes a nice piece of something sweet at the end of dinner. I ate an apple to try and curb the want for something sweet but nuh uh not happening lol. in fact I am posting this early for the day only because I felt like it would help to post it up and get it out there and maybe it would help me remember that I gotsta do this! anyways onto the menu for today, dinner was so good!
12:00 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz cheddar cheese 110
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
3:45 PM
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
less than 2 oz tomato 10
6:45 PM
8oz lean tenderloin roast pork 400
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
3oz Broccoli 35
small green salad 60
3 tbsp lite cesar dressing 135
1 pat butter 35
9:00 PM
1 apple 70
Grand total is 1420 Calories for the day, as long as I don't eat anything else before bed , which should not be a problem as I don't like to eat late, maybe a glass of crystal light. I think it may be a good thing that I actually feel guilty for eating such a thick meal, means I am thinking about what I am doing, even though I did come in under the allowed 1500 cals. maybe I will ride the bike twice tomorrow because of the no exercise today. as always I thank you for taking the time to read this meager blog.
As Ever
Day 13