Friday, February 10, 2012

Some compare pictures, a weigh in and a good drop!

Friday has come so it shall be that time to step upon the cold weight telling contraption made from glass plastic and Chinese circuitry again. This morning I did not know what to expect because I have stayed off of the scale for a few days, no reason other than the mornings have been hectic lately so it was business as usual and straight to the scale before my date with Joe. The last time that I weighed in for the blog the number was 364.8, then Evacgutpocolypse happened and I was up in weight which was odd because I had done nothing but evacuate my innards so I did not weigh in last Friday. This week I got back on task with the eating and even though I did zero exercise because of letting my back ease back into every day life the scale did show a loss, I came in at 362.6 which is of course a 2.2 pound loss and I am happy with that.

This old Triumph bike weighs 362 pounds just like I do, and I used this image inTHIS POSTback in 2009 when I weighed exactly what I weigh today.

This here 97 street magic II weighs in at 172 pounds which of course is what I have lost so far, and was also used in that old post!

The plan for this week is to get back on the trainer regular like and see what I can do by next Friday, I have been sort of on a buying streak with bike stuff because of the being all laid up and taking it easy so hopefully getting some exercise into my days again will cease that behavior. I have changed a few things in the way that I am eating the last few days and am feeling good about it, hopefully the coming weeks proves that its the right move for me. Eating heavier in the afternoon and a light dinner is new to me but its what I am doing, normally and all through my weight loss I did not pay too much attention to when I ate as long as my calories were within my limits but I think that eating heavier earlier is leaving me less hungry later in the day.

Over all things are back to normal-ish since Evacgutpocolypse so getting back on track with my program should happen and hopefully it will equate to dropping numbers on the scale. I am at this point needing to drop an average of 3.84 pounds per week to make my May goal, it is higher than it was when I began down this path that will lead to 305 pounds because of getting sick and hurting my back but I still believe that it is a reachable number so I am still aiming for 305.

The weather will surely warm up and that means that I will be able to get out for more rides on the bikes which in turn hopefully mean that the pounds will drop faster as the weather gets warmer and i think it will be enough to get to my goal. If I don't make that goal date it I will push through until I surpass that number and grind right on down to 265 pounds which was my original and end game goal, now of course I won't stop trying once I get to 265 but giving my 6'4'' large frame plus any extra skin that I will have at that point? I think 265 is a good place to aim for initially.

Things are going in the right direction and I have my game face on where my health is the subject so the only thing that will get in my way is my own self....

Not gonna happen.

That's all I got for today.

As ever

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Some compare pictures, a weigh in and a good drop!
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