Friday, February 3, 2012

Evac! Evac! find the nearest exit and get out now!

This week has been how do they say? a nightmare! Last Friday my weigh in was a slight up and I was ok with that and by Sunday morning I was down 2 pounds from that number so Friday was looking like just an off day to weigh in. Then Sunday our daughter woke up with a stomach bug and threw up, one time but she was in obvious need of some lovin' so I woke up and was comforting her before my back had a chance to warm up and then add that to the fact that i was helping to set up a surprise party for a family member all afternoon and well I woke up Monday morning with a very sore back. If the back was not enough lets add the explosive evacuation of my guts, and I mean stuff was exiting from every and any place that it could find, so now I can't walk without assistance and I am heaving uncontrollably on the toilet while holding a giant bowl for what was coming out of the top end, and now that I have forced you to put down your breakfast bowl, yeah it's been like that.

The long short of it, I went to the doc for some pain meds for the back and I am standing upright once again but still tender, the evacuation of my innards has ceased but there is still rumbling within and I pretty much have not left the house in a week besides a short walk and the ride to the doc. This week has been a horror show all the way around between the baby getting the full on bug along with myself and my other daughter so there has been lots of the same for me and the girls. Wify fortunately did not get sick and my son faked for a day so that he could get some attention from Mom but I am happy that it wasn't the whole gang because this bug was freekin serious! I am glad that we are in the tail end of it.

Ok onto what the blog is about, weight loss and healthy living, my weight was down as low as 359 during this mess (the one time I checked in the middle of the week) and as high as 370 (yesterday mid day) so I have no clue where I am weight wise as I did not check this morning. I have not eaten hardly anything all week so I know that my weight is merely a result to being dehydrated, sick, swollen and on pain meds so I will not record a weight on the blog this week. This morning I am trying to get back to the program where my intake is the subject and I started it off like I would any other morning and I am hoping that my stomach will agree to these terms. Exercise will be limited until I am sure that my back can take it, the weather has been decent around here so I may try to go for a walk later in the afternoon just to test out my endurance as far as my back goes but am looking forward to getting back on the trainer as soon as possible.

My daughter is home from school today just to make sure that we don't pass this wonderful bug to any other unsuspecting humans so I will keep this post short and sweet, I will attempt to post up this weekend at some point, perhaps even both days just to get back into the swing of things.

That's all I got... well besides a sore back and a stomach bug, but you know what I mean....

Until next we meet.

As Ever

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Evac! Evac! find the nearest exit and get out now!
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