Friday, January 22, 2010

Weight right there while I hop on this scale.

Lets get right to what the scale had to say to me this morning, first time on it said 322.0 pounds, second hop on again said 322.0 pounds and the third time was more of the same so it looks like a 5 pound drop this week and a new low by 1 pound. I was actually lighter yesterday afternoon at my docs appointment than this morning and think that me staying up until 1am (because of hitting the gym late) drinking water and having a late snack which was within my calories effected the weight this morning a tad. If I were a betting man I would say that next Friday's weigh in will yield me the three teen results that I am looking for if not sometime mid week. Because of the new low this week we get some images of things that weigh the same as I do along with some stuff that weighs as much as I have lost so without further ado here ya go.

This RM-Z250 comes in at 212 pounds and weighs as much as I have lost so far.

While this Vespa GT60 comes in at a whopping 322 pounds and of course that is what I currently weigh.

This weeks weigh in leaves me 47 pounds away from my 275 pound goal and to me that number looks small, some people have 47 pounds to lose and it takes them eons to get there and I just said that it looks small. I suppose that its because I am 212 pounds and 2 years into this whole process so in my mind the time line is a non issue for me where as in the beginning it was all about the time that it would take to get somewhere with the weight loss. Soon I will have lost more weight that I weigh and its a day that I am looking forward to seeing, I need to hit 267 pounds to be at that magical 50% lost mark and that's just 55 pounds and the light at the end of this tunnel that I have been waiting for.

Thursday I came in under my 1700 calories by about 50 or so and I drank more than usual with almost 2 gallons of H2O and 1 gallon of green tea. I did make it to the gym last night around 8:00pm and when I got home I was all hyped up and ended up staying up until around 1:00am drinking about 3/4 of a gallon of that H2O at that point and my sleep suffered a bit last night as well but not too bad and tonight I will get a better nights rest. My trip to the gym was good, I did 30 minutes on the stationary bike followed by 30 minutes on the treadmill at a steady 3.4mph on a 3.5% incline and I passed on weight lifting because of the time that I was there.

Over all a good solid week with a 5 pound total loss and a 1 pound loss if we are basing it off of my lowest weight in this process, I am pleased with the results. Another pound closer to my ultimate goal weight and a week stronger than I was last Friday. Once upon a time I was a 500 pound fella wishing that things could be different and now here I am 212 pounds lighter, I no longer wish for things, instead I do them because we all know that if you wish into one hand and shit into the other which one will fill up first.

That's all I got for today, you can now return to your regularly scheduled program.


As Ever

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Weight right there while I hop on this scale.
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