Thursday, January 21, 2010

As the fat guy turns..

Wednesday went off without a hitch where diet and exercise goes and I have a feeling we will see a new low for tomorrows weigh in. Keeping my calories under my set number has become very easy this past week for whatever reason and getting to the gym each day has not been an issue, I am doing my part. At the gym I have brought up my rpm's on the bike up and I am averaging mid 90's rpm's alternating between level 11 and 12 resistance with the rpm's jumping into the 100-110 zone for the level 12 portions of the ride while my heart rate is staying around 145 bpm which is decent improvement from when I joined the gym back in October where it was mid 70's rpm's and the same heart rate. I really have been fine tuning my workouts lately in an attempt to get as much out of them as I can, a normal routine for me is 25 minutes on the stationary bike followed by 30 to 40 minutes of weight lifting on those days that I lift finishing up with 20 minutes on the treadmill doing my incline routine 9 out of 10 times with the other being a set speed at a set incline. That's about 45 minutes of cardio per weight lifting workout and when I do not lift I do 50 minutes to an hour adding the arc trainer to the mix.

This afternoon I will likely miss going to the gym because of a docs appt but I will try and get out there after dinner if I can especially with tomorrow being a weigh in day for the blog. I say try because I don't want to go to the gym and make Wify miss out on going because the evening is her time to go but if I can get a sitter perhaps we can go together. Last week on Friday I weighed in at 327 pounds which was a tad higher than the week before but there was definitely some water retention weight there because of a sodium filled few days before that weigh in not to mention the stress situation that I was dealing with last week. I know that I am lower than that 327 per my sneak peek on the scale earlier in the week but how low? to be found out in the morning but I have a good feeling that I will have a new low this week.

I am going to take a guess and this is a very ambitious guess but I want to say that the wheel will stop spinning on 320 pounds even tomorrow which will be 7 pounds this week and 3 pounds lower than my lowest weigh in from 2 weeks ago. I was shooting for 319 lbs so that I could hit those teens but that would mean an 8 pound drop this week and 4 pounds from my low weight AND the fact that I want the teens so much probably means that I will have to wait another week to see them so 320 is my guess. Getting to 320 pounds would also mean that I am exactly on schedule to hit my 300 pound mark by April 2nd if using a 2 pounds per week formula which is another reason I am going to hope to get there.

1705 calories, 50 minutes of cardio, 40 minutes of weight lifting, 1.25 gallons of H20, 1 gallon of green tea and 8.5 hours of sleep is how my Wednesday played out. Rinse repeat and reap the benefits is how I am playing this better health game and so far its working for me in all aspects. All of the hard work that was put in this week will surely add up to a loss but just how much of a loss is the unknown factor right now, looking for the teens but will be happy with a 1 pound drop from my low of 323 and expecting to keep on keepin on any way that it pans out. That's all I got for today so make sure to pop in tomorrow to see how I did this week, will it be a loss? perhaps a gain? the next installment of as the fat guy turns will reveal all of the answers.

As Ever

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