Sunday, January 3, 2010

Comparison pictures 2 year 207 pound lost inside!

Its Sunday afternoon and the snow has been falling all day, we have up to 40 mph winds says the monkey in the plastic magic box and we are experiencing sub zero temperatures so I have been inside all day finding not much to do. Yesterday it was closer to 30 degrees so we took the chance to go outside and romp in the snow for about an hour and wify had brought the camera outside and snapped off a couple pictures. I was playing with the kids and ended up making a 7 foot tall snow angel because I was on a small hill and slid down while flapping, I thought it would be fun to take a photo from winter's 08 through 2010 and shop them next to one another for a compare shot. The first image is Jan 08 and I was 5 days into my lifestyle revamp the second image is late December 08 and the last one is from yesterday, and of course my wicked snow angel.

Winter 2008 to winter 2010 comparison shot, I still look at that last one and don't recognize the guy in the picture sometimes. these images are clickable for full sized views.

My Giant snow angel.

I did very well with my intake yesterday coming in at 1700 calories on the button and I drank more than 2 gallons of tea and H2O. I did make it to the gym with Wify in lieu of the snow storm that we were having I did 20 minutes on my stationary bike and another 20 on the treadmill, we called it a day and headed home for a great dinner that I thought was going to be less than extraordinary. I made tuna with red onions and black pepper on toast with lettuce and I made sweet potato fries on the side, for whatever reason this meal was exactly what I needed because it was very tasty. By the end of the day I had enough calories left for a small bowl of airpopped popcorn with a movie which was cool as I have been craving it all weekend.

Over all its been a great holiday weekend and having Wify home for four days was nice, I stayed on track and ate only what I should have and got in some good exercise between the gym and all of the shoveling which I think I will go finish up as soon as I hit publish because it appears to have stopped falling from the sky for the time being. Thanks for reading along and remember kids, the decision is yours to make because no one forces you to stuff your face with shit food and nobody is stopping you from exercising and please don't fool yourself with "I am too big to exercise" or "I just can't do it" You can and you are choosing not to, I told myself those things for far too long and it got me to 534 pounds and if I can exercise at 534 pounds those things startslooking like just the next excuse.

As Ever

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Comparison pictures 2 year 207 pound lost inside!
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