Saturday, January 2, 2010

600 posts, 2 years and 207 pounds later..

This post marks my 600th post since I started writing this blog, that is 600 attempts to better myself where health is the subject and 600 times that I sat at my lap top and decided that I would show the world that a once 534 pound guy can and will stick to a diet and exercise plan that has changed his life forever. When I go back and re-read some of my older posts I can recall exactly how I was feeling on any given day, I can remember how it felt to want to lose the weight and hoping that it would stick this time around. If you are reading this you know that it did stick this time and I am a different person for my efforts, I look for things to do that will get me moving and I jump at the chance to do yard work or shovel the drive way when it snows and the contrast between then and now and how I approach these things is insanely different.

Dropping to a new low weight yesterday seems to have kicked me back into gear because last night I turned down popcorn with a movie and today I have already made my whole menu for the entire day. I will have a lower weight come this Friday because I plan on doing everything exactly how I need to so that I can make that claim an actuality. I have been at this for 2 years now and most of the things that I do on a daily basis to better my health and drop the pounds come second nature at this point, I really don't think about making my meal portions too big any more because when I make my plate if I am not weighing it looks pretty much the same, I HAVE learned portion control. I feel deprived if I have to skip working out for a day instead of if I don't get an extra extra large piece of cake, in fact there is an apple pie in my refrigerator that has been there since Thursday night and I haven't even thought about cutting myself a slice.

Friday I did good with the intake coming in at 1725 calories, 1 gallon of green tea and slightly more than a gallon of H2O and I did make it to the gym. At the gym I rode the bike for 20 minutes but I upped my pace and rode an extra mile in the same time so I was off to a good start. I then got on the treadmill and did interval running, I walked for 2 minutes at 3.5 mph and than ran for 1 minute at 6 mph at varying inclines throughout the routine and felt pretty good about the workout as a whole.

Making good choices is second nature for me now where justifying that 1 pound beef and bean burrito was second nature for me in the past. I enjoy taking a ride around the lake on my bike or going on a hike through some of the trails local to me with Wify now where logging into a game or making a double decker sandwich of some sort is what use to be the days special, Things have certainly changed around here.

Here's to another great year and with some hard work I will hit my goal weight sooner than later.

As Ever

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600 posts, 2 years and 207 pounds later..
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