Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pictures and a long post for a long weekend!

I feel like I am the worse blogger in the entire internet! I have been very busy so I have been neglecting my blog. This weekend was extremely busy and very fruitful as well with opening day coming around, My weight has fluctuated up and down a bit in the last week or so and I have not made it priority in my life for a couple few days. I am finding that when I get very busy that I don;t pay attention to the weight loss goals, I mean I do stay relatively close to the intake goals but I am not exercising the way that I would like to be, which is not to say that I am getting no exercise into my days because like my first sentence mentioned it has been very busy around here.

Saturday I woke up bright and early to head out fishing and I literally fished from 6am until 3pm barring the runs back home to clean fish or take short breaks. The first day we ended up with 7 nice trout ranging from 11 to 13 inches in length and on Sunday I ran out in the morning without my son this time and caught five more nice trout but only kept the 2 largest which were just over 14 inches each so my freezer is stocked up with some nice fish that I am sure will get posted as meals when we decide to cook em up. Intake for Saturday was not good but not bad either, though I don't know my exact calories I don't think I went much over but I did go over. We met Wify's step dad at a park and he brought a pizza so I did have pizza around 2:30 pm but I skipped dinner because of it and instead ate a banana and a big orange around dinner time. here are a few pictures of some of our catch that we snapped from our fishing this weekend.

Wify made me laugh while she took this pic so you get a smile outta me, these are the "first batch".

First batch from opening day, the same ones that are on the stringer in the first photo.

These are the two that I caught Sunday morning, that one on the bottom was a thick ol fatty of a rainbow.

Sunday we decided to hit the yard with some work and I ended up clearing out a hill in our back yard for about 4 hours. We moved boulders, raked up 2 years of leaves and debris, cleared brush and wild rose bushes and I ended up with poison ivy from some dead vines laying around (I am very allergic to poison ivy) so a lot of work went into the afternoon cleaning and clearing the back side of the yard. Dinner time came around and tired plus hungry equaled me agreeing to chinese food for dinner so all of that hard work and calories burned were countered with some good ol chinese food so not so great in that department. We ended the weekend with a bonfire in my back yard to burn some of the brush etc that we cut down earlier and I had a couple marshmallows and a couple beers while we sat around the fire chit chatting so Sunday ended not so good with the intake but it is what it is.

Monday was perfect where intake was concerned, I ate balanced and came in at 1673 calories for the day and I drank 1 gallon of green tea and 3/4 gallon of water, no exercise besides walking around the super market and a couple stores for about 4 hours but not a bad day as a whole either. My back pain has come down from a 9 pain level to about a 2 so I plan on riding my bike today and getting this exercise thang back in full swing this week because I am after all trying to lose weight right?

As a part of getting back into the swing of things I will start posting my menus back up again for accountability purposes starting with tomorrows post, I will also post up exercise minutes all week for the same reasons. This week is going to be a busy one for me just like last week because we are painting the exterior of the new house but the difference is that I am without the back pain so I am going to make every attempt to stay on plan with the food as well as the exercise beause its what I have to do.

Here I am and there you are and we gotta do what we gotta do for ourselves and our families, don't forget to stay hydrated! this is advice that I need to keep tightly under my belt because I have not been doing the best job in the world of staying hydrated myself the past week or so and it is probably one of the most important things in this weight loss game to keep the weight falling off. Thank you for following along with my trip to the half and look for a menu post tomorrow.

As Ever

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Pictures and a long post for a long weekend!
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