Sunday has come and gone and I find myself at the keyboard, its time to report how the day went and all that. we ended up going to a Harvest Fair (I was talked into going) and walking around for about four hours or so and I have to admit even though I vowed to have an incredible week intake and exercise wise if we were going to judge that on todays start I failed miserably! we got to the fairgrounds around noon on what I will call the most perfect and beautiful New England day and started walking around looking at some of the attractions, I said to myself as we walked past a fried dough stand "ignore the tasty goodness" and thats what I did as I took a swig of green tea from the gallon jug I brought along with me. we walked past a pig race (I kid you not pig racing) and they had some displays around with farm animals in them as well as a predatory bird show with eagles hawks and falcons etc and then it was getting around 1:00 pm and wify suggested we get something to eat, I had packed an apple for myself but we were near a stand selling cheese steak sandwiches, long story short 3 minutes later I was in front of a stage listening to a folk singer with a guitar enjoying my cheese steak sammie, not even caring or thinking about whether it was cloned or not, wify did have a clone sandwich comment though.
After the folk music and steak sammie we headed over to meet my Father in law who happened to be there unknown to us and we ended up walking over to where some rides for the kiddos were and bought a packet of tickets and let them have at it, and here is where the fried dough enters the picture, yep I bought myself some fried dough and it was damn good if I do say so myself, and after we were done there it was onto some more walking around just looking at all of the craft tables and animals, rides etc etc etc that were there for our amusement. there was everything from truck pulls to pig races right on up to 3 different stages with 3 different bands playing at any given time and the sunburn was free of charge! here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.

All in all it was a good day out with the family, lots of fun was had by all and other than indulging in some fried dough the intake wasn't really that bad, the cheese steak was literally some roast beef tossed on a grill with a couple slices of American cheese melted over it and the dough, well there was nothing good about that where diet is concerned! on the drive home I asked wify, half kidding and thinking that I already knew the answer "Do you think I would have gone to this fair if it was last year?" and her response was eye opening, she said "We did go last year, you stayed home" I guess I did know the answer and didn't even remember or chose to forget because I did not go, all of the things that I must have missed out on and don't even realize, it really was eye opening to think about that, and the only thing that has changed is my weight. Who wouldda thunk?
Thanks for reading along.
As Ever
Fried dough, cheese steak and four hours of walking around.